Saturday, June 4, 2011

The Last Days

Did your Mother ever tell you not to look directly into the Sun or you will damage your eyes?? Well, this day you could, WITHOUT SUNGLASSES!!

Supertest hill coming home from work.

Looking down from Abasand (the STAR is behind me).

Up the Clearwater River at least 2 helicopters were dipping there buckets into the river to refill.

Look in the P of GP
Joseph Smith - Matthew 1:32 - 34.

By the way, Roxanne and I are sure enjoying the Pics of the new additions and all the news. Love your blogs Polischuk's, Stannix's and the Bird's. It makes me think that I might attempt it.


The Hudkins Family said...

We finally have internet again. We were without it for nearly 2 weeks. I was kind of going into withdrawals.

Thanks for the pictures, Brent. I hope you are all keeping your vehicles on the top half of your tank so that if you need to evacuate you don't need to sit in line at the gas station.

Gramma & Grampa