Wednesday, July 27, 2011

"There is no such thing as a 'self-made' person.
We are made up of thousands of others.
Everyone who has ever done a kind deed for us,
or spoken one word of encouragement to us,
has entered into the make-up of our character
and of our thoughts,
as well as our success."

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Family in a troubled world

Read this and it made me think of our family;

"Happy, loving families, though imperfect and falling short of the ideal, are the closest thing we have on earth to a small-scale model of eternity, a tiny seed of unimaginable glory to come." 
 ~ Elder Bruce D. Porter

We are so lucky to have one another!   We enjoy being with one another and have one another to celebrate our joys and lift us through our sorrows.  I have always thought that family reunions/family dinners/family prayers/family nights can be glimpses of the way it will be in heaven.  I have felt this!  You probably have too, that it why we all to try to make it to things where we'll see one another.  This quote supports my thought just wanted to share.

Love you all ~Jenny

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

What a Wonderful World

Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Birds Are Still Alive!!

Oh as I watch all the new postings on the blog and then everyone's individual family blog, I feel like blogging was not meant for me!!  I always think when I finally do blog that I will continue to keep up with it...but then 4-5 weeks go by and I look like a shmuck again hehe Oh well, it is a nice thing when it does occur.
I thought I would let everyone know that we are still alive and kicking even though there hasn't been much on the blog from us. I've tried a few times unsuccessfully to put a video of Jacey on here walking. It was a fantastic family moment and we were so fortunate to have caught it. But no dice, it doesn't want to load on either of our blogs! So I'll give you all a run down of what is new with us.

Ms. Bird is a busy busy busy lady. She had botox injections about 3 weeks ago and they have taken beautifully in her legs. The botox has helped to relax her rigid, spastic muscles and she is bending, moving and scooting better than before. She also had her little eyes checked while under the anaestetic and she is going to be receiving a teeny tiny pair of glasses, sooooo cute! Can't wait to get them. This will hopefully help her focus, see better and help work on correcting the crossing and drifting around. Jacey was confirmed to start a school program this fall called GRIT and it will be out of our home 5 mornings a week. She will participate in community programs like music, swimming, library and a playgroup and then the rest of the time at home. We have a one on one individual come to our home and be present for all these activities and also be able to accompany me to some of her longer appts at the hospital which will rock! We are super excited for this. She is such a funny little girl, waving and blowing kisses to people. Beginning to really communicate and play silly with everyone. She is such a joy and blessing to our family. Jon is still working hard in the city, bringing home the bacon. Very excited for this year's hockey after the draft and free agent trades ( I think that is what just happened. I actually read a book in another room for lack of care) hehe. I am excited to start piano in the fall, I've decided to open up and will have 6 or 7 students now. Exciting! I was also just called as the Ward Organist, which makes me wanna barf a bit. I am enjoying learning the hymns but not playing them in front of people. Yikes!!
We have also made a large decision in our family. There is a special ability camp that is available in Ontario. We have decided that we are going to begin fundraising for it and take Jacey next year for the May/June session. It is a 5 week long intensive therapy session. She will have sitting, walking, laying, communication, eating and toilet training therapy for 5-6 hours a day and also receive an hour a day of hyperbaric oxygen therapy. I had heard of the camp and watched the videos and researched it and believe that it will be something extraordinary for Jacey and teach Jon and I many new things. The website is and it is amazing. Having said that, the camp cost is $10,000 and the travel costs (flights, car rentals and food) will be close to $5,000 for the 5 weeks. This is a large chunk of money and I have contacted some social clubs already and spoken with our local newspaper who will do a write up of Jacey. Jon and I are beginning to set up a donation centre online and I am planning on doing a bottle drive, bake sale, raffle and passing out brochures. Any and all extended family support would be appreciated. If you have any ideas for fundraising or would like to go ahead on your own and donate, it would be greatly appreciated. Some ideas are taking in a brochure to your place of employment to see if they would help, saving your bottles for our family, my mom (Charlene) is planning to work the election this fall and donate her wage to Jacey's camp. This is a big deal for our family and we are grateful for all of the support, love and prayers. Hope things are well with everyone else. Lvoe you all, Jon, Alyson and Jacey

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Getting Rid of Clover

Hey uncle Lou,

I am sorry it has taken so long to get back to you with this info about the grass, After talking to a few people at work, I have a few solutions for you. First do not use killex, it will destroy your lawn, or so I am told. I am told that round up is a good start, although it doesnt always work. Now if the clover is too much for round up, then this is what I was told. If the patch is small, or even if it is large and you are willing to put a little time into it, then the best thing to do is go to some kind of home improvment store and get a dandilion bar, it is just a small wax bar, like a candle, take it home and rub it across the pedals of whatever you are trying to get rid of. This bar is a broad leaf killer, so any broad leaf it will take out, and it will not kill the grass. Now if the patch is really big, and really bad, I was told the best thing to do is to spray it with round up and then lay top soil over the area and lay new grass seed and they told me that by adding more grass you can try to edge out the clover. the more grass you have going in, the less room there will be for the clover to grow through. I would try the bar first.
Hopefully this works for you, and if it doesn't then just let me know and I will get some more ideas for you.


Sunday, July 3, 2011

Great Time

What an exciting week we've had. 
The weekend saying farewell to Arland was great. Janene fed us royally, complete with turkey dinner on Saturday evening. I highly recommend the Hudkins Bed & Breakfast. 

Arland gave a wonderful talk and the evening of his setting apart was one of the most spiritual experiences anyone could ever have.  I don't think there was  dry eye in the room.  The high class kleenex by the yard was welcomed as each person took their meter's worth and passed the roll around the room.  You gotta know - we |Hudkins have class!! I am grateful to have been a part this special experience.  We are very proud of Arland and wish him well on his mission.  Thank you Addie,  for posting his letters on the Chilean Beans Blog.  It looks like he is already receiving leadership training.  How great is that!! I know that missionaries love getting REAL mail so encourage you all to write.  Just don't expect letters back because he doesn't have that kind of time. 

Mikel's grad was super.  Congratulations, Mike.  Good job.  We are proud of you in your achievement.  Keep up the good work.

Also, today we were part of baby Stella's blessing.  What a beautiful blessing Graham gave.  She looked like a little angel doll in her blessing dress and the beautiful blessing quilt that Charlene made.  Those babies are lucky to have a gramma who makes such wonderful heirlooms.  My thanks go to Great Gramma Christena for giving Charlene a love for sewing.  It sure didn't come from me!

We love all the updates and especially the pictures on the blog.  Thanks for posting them.  Emma - I keep looking for more 'stuff' on your blog.

Love you all very much.  Thanks for looking after us so well.
Gramma & Grampa