Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Getting Rid of Clover

Hey uncle Lou,

I am sorry it has taken so long to get back to you with this info about the grass, After talking to a few people at work, I have a few solutions for you. First do not use killex, it will destroy your lawn, or so I am told. I am told that round up is a good start, although it doesnt always work. Now if the clover is too much for round up, then this is what I was told. If the patch is small, or even if it is large and you are willing to put a little time into it, then the best thing to do is go to some kind of home improvment store and get a dandilion bar, it is just a small wax bar, like a candle, take it home and rub it across the pedals of whatever you are trying to get rid of. This bar is a broad leaf killer, so any broad leaf it will take out, and it will not kill the grass. Now if the patch is really big, and really bad, I was told the best thing to do is to spray it with round up and then lay top soil over the area and lay new grass seed and they told me that by adding more grass you can try to edge out the clover. the more grass you have going in, the less room there will be for the clover to grow through. I would try the bar first.
Hopefully this works for you, and if it doesn't then just let me know and I will get some more ideas for you.
