Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Family in a troubled world

Read this and it made me think of our family;

"Happy, loving families, though imperfect and falling short of the ideal, are the closest thing we have on earth to a small-scale model of eternity, a tiny seed of unimaginable glory to come." 
 ~ Elder Bruce D. Porter

We are so lucky to have one another!   We enjoy being with one another and have one another to celebrate our joys and lift us through our sorrows.  I have always thought that family reunions/family dinners/family prayers/family nights can be glimpses of the way it will be in heaven.  I have felt this!  You probably have too, that it why we all to try to make it to things where we'll see one another.  This quote supports my thought just wanted to share.

Love you all ~Jenny


The Hudkins Family said...

I agree, we are truly blessed to have a family who enjoy being together. We have great people in our family.

Love the quote, Jen. Thanks for sharing

Love to all,
Gramma & Grampa