Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Nephi's Courage

Monday, February 27, 2012

Hudkins' Family Cookbook- Deadline Extended

Currently we have 73 recipes submitted to our family cookbook. Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to add to their family recipes. It's coming along just great, and I can't wait to see the final product! The deadline for submitting recipes was extended, so more of us can add our fabulous recipes, so the new deadline is March 20, 2012.

How to submit your recipes:
Please send me an email at hudkinscookbook@gmail.com and I will send you a link to the Heritage Cookbook website.


Monday, February 20, 2012

IF - Family Day

In honor of Family Day today, I thought I would share with you a song we are doing for Keyano College Community Choir which I accompany.  It is an arrangement of a poem by Rudyard Kipling.  You may or may not have heard it before.  I found it to be particularly moving!


If you can keep your head while those around you
are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
if you can trust yourself when others seem to doubt you,
but make allowance for their doubting you, too;
if you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
or being lied about, to never deal in lies,
or being hated, never give yourself to hating,
nor look too good, nor talk too wise.

If you can dream and not make dreams your master,
if you can think and not make thoughts your aim;
if you can meet with triumph and disaster,
and treat those two imposters the same;
if you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
twisted 'round and 'round to make a trap for fools,
or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
then stoop and build them up with worn out tools.

If you can take the unforgiving minute
with sixty seconds worth of distance run,
yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
and what is more you'll be a man, my son.

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
or walk with kings nor lose the common touch;
if neither foes nor friends can hurt you,
all people count with you, but none too much.

If you can fill the unforgiving minute
with sixty seconds worth of distance run
yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
and what is more you'll be a man,
you'll be a woman, my daughter, my son.

If you can force your heart and mind and sinew
to serve your turn when you are dead and gone;
keep holding on when there is nothing in you
except the will that says to them, "Hold on!"

If you can take the unforgiving minute
with sixty seconds worth of distance reun
yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
and what is more you'll be a man,
and what is more you'll be a woman,
my daughter, my son.

I think this may be similar to what we would all like for our children in life and I wonder if some of it is what our Heavenly Father hopes for us all (parents, too!)
Have a great day filled with family.  Love you all!
Charlene xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxooooooooooooooooo

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Family Cookbook

Hey Family, I have been checking out the cookbook and it looks awesome. However, there are lots of family members that haven't put anything in. I know you all eat, whether that means you cook or not....who's to say. I would love to have something from each family at least. So whoever reads this first, pass along to your individual family and get crackin!! The dealine for recipes is tomorrow so you have all day on the lovely holiday to get them in. Otherwise it will cost our family more to have made. Now get cooking, or baking, or thinking about cooking and baking. And NO, directions to the nearest McDonalds does not count!!! Love you all, Alyson

I even posted how to make delicious rootbeer floats in all their glory!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

What's Happening

We've had lots of new babies over the past year and I keep checking our FAMILY BLOG  for some updates and pictures.  There must also be other news around like pictures of new great grand-puppies!!  Please remember that some of us old guys don't get around Facebook and we are left out of the loop. 

Have you all submitted your recipes to our Family Cookbook?  Remember - If we don't get them in by Feb. 20, the cost of the book goes up. 

We love you all.  Keep up the good work.

Gramma & Grampa

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Plan B

This is something my lady at physio shared with me.
A saying she has on a magnet on her fridge.
Troy and I seem to relate to this quite a bit
and we refer back to it  a lot these days.
Thought I would share!

Life is all about
how you handle
Plan B

Plan A is always my first choice.
You know, the one where everything works out to be
Happily ever-after.
But more often than not, I find myself dealing with
The upside-down, inside-out version,
Where nothing goes as it should.
It's at this point that the real test of my character comes in....
Do I sink, or do I swim?
Do I wallow in self-pity and play the victim?
Or simply shift gears and make the best of the situation?
The choice is all mine...
Life is all about how you handle Plan B.