Tuesday, September 24, 2013


So, since I have had to work full time this whole month, it has forced me to get creative with menu planning.  I found a recipe for potato soup in a crock pot on Pinterest that we tried today and it turned out just loverly!  Below is my version:

1 bag frozen hash browns
1/2 large onion diced
1 box chicken stock
1 can cream of chicken soup
1/2 tsp garlic pepper
3-4 florets cauliflouer broken into teeny/tiny pieces

Combine in crock pot and cook on low setting for 5 hours.  Half an hour before serving, add one container of cream cheese and one package of bacon bits. 

This was a very thick, filling meal and perfect for a crisp fall day when you just feel the need for homemade soup but aren't home to make soup.  The cauliflouer and bacon bits are my personal addition for the males in my house.   We just had toast with it.   The leftovers are so thick, I think I will have to dilute them a bit!

Auntie Charlene

(maybe Auntie Roxanne will share some of her favorite Pinterest finds)

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Fall Chocolate Dipping November Long Weekend

Hey hey family remember seeing these...or eating these homemade chocolates????

Monday November 11th @ Jenny's House
in Fort Saskatchewan
Mark your calendars and let Jenny or Grandma know if you are interested in joining.  It is an all day activity and is an adult only kind of thing BUT the end result is worth it all!!

Friday, September 20, 2013


Last week when Grampa and I came home from Lethbridge and Pincher Creek, we came through Black Diamond.  Auntie Erna told us about a place called Marv's where they have great burgers made with beef from around the area and NO FILLERS.  They also have neat memorabilia like a Wurlitzer Juke Box and other stuff -- and have jars of penny candy!!  That's something I haven't seen since my school days at Bentley.

We did stop.  So fun - Grampa played about 5 old tunes on the juke box.  We each had a hamburger and shared a milkshake.  Marv has done research on some famous people finding out what they liked on their burgers.  So he has some named after them "The Big Bopper", The Marilyn Monroe, the Elvis Burger.

We found out that Elvis liked grilled peanut butter and banana sandwiches.  Just make your peanut butter and banana sandwich, butter the outside and fry it just like making grilled cheese sandwiches.  We made them at home.  SO GOOD!  Definitely worth a try!

Love and hugs,
Gramma & Grampa

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

We have another baby joining the crew!

We haven't been on here in quite sometime now, so I figured I had better give everyone an update.  Kristina is pregnant with our fourth child, and it is a BOY.  Our due date is January 23.  We are feeling excited and are looking forward to his arrival. 
 As for the three kiddos , Keisha-Lynne is now in grade 5 and is a popular one in her class, which means we always have her friends knocking on our door (boys included, once they see me they run the other way, not sure why?).
 Austin has started grade 2 and is always awake before the alarm sets off.  He really enjoys riding his bike to and from school. as well as playing the Xbox. He is kind of a gamer nerd.
 Mason has started potty training and is doing great.  He has also been a great helper in the yard following me around copying everything I do and say.  haha.
As for Kristina and I, we had our fourth anniversary in July and prior to that were able to enjoy a trip to Las Vegas. This summer we spent 2 weeks traveling around camping and visiting some family.  Since then we have been very busy in the yard doing landscaping and getting the house ready for a buyer.  We have had our house up for sale since May and have had some action/offers but due to the buyers financing not working out, we are back to square one again. We are looking at buying in Camrose closer to family.

I will try to add some photos.
We will also attempt at updating regularly on the blog.

Love to all,

Jordan & Kristina
Keisha-Lynne, Austin,
                                                        Our not-so-furry baby Luna

                                                     First time roasting a marshmallow
                                             Tired of driving during two week camping trip
Mason's first time at build-a-bear, PUPPY FRIES

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Our beloved Tula

  As encouraged by Alyson's previous post I thought I would petition you all to have our family in your prayers.  Tula, our pup has had a rough summer and a particularly rough week so we feel that it is her time.  There has been much thought, many tears and prayers of our own.  We will be letting her go on Friday afternoon.   Please include her in your prayers.  She turned 11 years in July and has been wonderful companion to us.  Before our girls, she and her brother Tony were our babies!!!  Now our girls shower her with hugs and pets and adorn her with princess tiaras.  She (they) have truly had an important role in our family and will be forever cherished.
The talented Emma took these pictures for us.
Love the Polischuks

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

I thought an update was needed!

I was checking out/stalking all my friends blogs and FINALLY updated my own. I thought I should post something up here as I find that not many people are posting on here as often. I kind of miss seeing everyone's little peeps and finding out what is new in all the family's lives. SO POST!!! Anywho, here is a little update on what the Bird Fam is up to.

Jon is still plugging away at Humford and really likes it, he has made some ridiculously funny friends and I am very glad that he enjoys going to a job that he likes every day. Makes it much easier to work. I am a busy mama trying to keep up with my two ladies. I do find time to get out in the evenings here and there for appe's with friends or some organ practicing (yikes getting back at it!). Jon and I are still trying to do a date night a week, keeps the spark fresh you know...that or we crash and sleep at like 9 pm. Both are super romantic by the way! We also were crazy busy this summer camping, hanging in the Mac with my family, going to BC and enjoying playdates with friends and cousins.

Jacey turned 5 this summer. She also received her wheelchair this last month and is getting used to it for long distances. It is still a goal to walk and be crawling but she is loving the independance in it. She will be going into Kindergarten this fall in a typical class and riding the busy with about 10 other little peeps. I fear that I will follow it the first week blubbering like a baby the whole time. Poor kid! Separation Anxiety Disorder for the mom, but she still seems like my teeny tiny baby. Although she is a hilariously, spunky big girl now. She did a swim lesson this summer and LOVED it. We are enrolled in an assisted dance program this fall and on the waiting list for horse therapy. Should be fun and busy.

Neely is now 4 months old and is HUGE! She is a real little chunkster and rocking at being a little sister. She coo's constantly and has started to spit/gargle while eating her cereal. She is a very happy and easy baby. A real great sleeper and eater ( I kid you not, I prayed for both these qualities while pregnant after my Jacey experience!). hehe I enrolled her and I in a new moms group and a rhymes and storytimes library group in the am while Jacey is at school so that we can bond and do some of those fun things. Hopefully a swimming class this fall will happen too.

That is about it, all that is happening at our house. Hope that all is well with everyone else and PLEASE PLEASE post something, I miss your faces. The reunion was awesome and great to visit with who could make it. Hopefully next years 3 day'er will rock too! Can't wait. Love you all, The Bird Crew