Tuesday, September 10, 2013

We have another baby joining the crew!

We haven't been on here in quite sometime now, so I figured I had better give everyone an update.  Kristina is pregnant with our fourth child, and it is a BOY.  Our due date is January 23.  We are feeling excited and are looking forward to his arrival. 
 As for the three kiddos , Keisha-Lynne is now in grade 5 and is a popular one in her class, which means we always have her friends knocking on our door (boys included, once they see me they run the other way, not sure why?).
 Austin has started grade 2 and is always awake before the alarm sets off.  He really enjoys riding his bike to and from school. as well as playing the Xbox. He is kind of a gamer nerd.
 Mason has started potty training and is doing great.  He has also been a great helper in the yard following me around copying everything I do and say.  haha.
As for Kristina and I, we had our fourth anniversary in July and prior to that were able to enjoy a trip to Las Vegas. This summer we spent 2 weeks traveling around camping and visiting some family.  Since then we have been very busy in the yard doing landscaping and getting the house ready for a buyer.  We have had our house up for sale since May and have had some action/offers but due to the buyers financing not working out, we are back to square one again. We are looking at buying in Camrose closer to family.

I will try to add some photos.
We will also attempt at updating regularly on the blog.

Love to all,

Jordan & Kristina
Keisha-Lynne, Austin,
                                                        Our not-so-furry baby Luna

                                                     First time roasting a marshmallow
                                             Tired of driving during two week camping trip
Mason's first time at build-a-bear, PUPPY FRIES


Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Jordan & Kristina. Thanks for the update and pictures. I love the smile on Mason's face. We look forward to #22 'great'. January 23rd was my dad's birthday. He was born in 1905. I'm sure you probably won't want to name your little guy Julius though.

Love you much,
Gramma & Grampa

The Hudkins Family said...

Great post - great news- and great pictures!!!
Auntie Charlene xo

Jon and Alyson said...

Hurray!!! Congrats guys! Also, yeah for posting. -Alyson