Sunday, November 3, 2013

Chocolate Making UPDATE

Just a few updates for our CHOCOLATE MAKING:

Monday November 11th @ Gramma & Grandpa's

* Location is now Gramma and Grandpa's, more central!
* Start time 9 am...obviously this will not be possible for everyone but if you are up for it some of us will be at Gramma's for then.
* Bring aprons if you have.
* Be prepared to wear hair nets (we have bought a ton) no one wants a hair in their chocolate ew!
* Bring boxes for chocolates if you can!!!  I went through our stash and we do have some but not enough for all of the chocolates we'll likely be making. Dollar stores are the best places to hit, think mini pot of gold size, sandwich container size....they are supper decadent chocolates so about 10 or 12 is the amount I like to give away in each box. Bring Tupperware/Ziploc containers if you can't find any boxes.
* No kiddos, littles, miniatures (nursing babes only) - while we do adore them it really is an adult activity. Hands will be covered in expensive chocolate or rolling fondant and most surfaces will have chocolates drying on cardboard is just not contusive to having little children around.
* There will be a cost; the Bernard Callebaut chocolate is from an industrial supplier that other chocolate making friends use.  To make sure we have enough for the crowd coming I am planning to get 3 bags which will be about $350...we will divide it up based on how many people end up coming.  Right now 18 people have said they will be there at some point in the day!!!

Doesn't this picture just scream yummy?!

This should be a blast guys, I for one CAN NOT WAIT!!!  This is something that Gramma and Grandpa use to do in the 60s, 70s and it really is an art.  We are lucky to have them with us and that they are willing to share their skills!  Looking forward to seeing everyone.

Hugs ~ Jenny


The Hudkins Family said...

Thanx for the update. I made a batch of fondant last night and it turned out pretty good. Took a long time to "turn"! Flavored and colored it orange. I have a few caramels and some white chocolate that I will bring.

Everyone, don't forget to trim your nails short and wear 3/4 length sleeves. Nothing worse than long floppy sleeves that you are pushing up all day long. Ask me how I know this little tidbit!@#$%&

See you all there :)

Garth said...

Hmmm, the 60's and 70's don't seem like they were that long ago. Seriously, looking forward to this event. It's just fun getting together as a family!