Thursday, November 28, 2013

Growing by Two Feet

Just a quick note to officially let all of the family know that our little family is growing by TWO FEET coming June 2014. We are totally thrilled and feel very blessed to add a fourth to our crazy crew. I have spent lots of mornings cozied up on the playroom floor while the kids play around me and I try to catch a few winks of sleep and fight off morning sickness. But we are finally getting past that stage and my energy is starting to pick up. My house almost looks normal again and the littles are eating more than just sandwiches for lunch. Ha. We have also been blessed with many tender mercies such as Joe suddenly learning to sleep through the night so that mamma can get extra sleep and a big four year old who loves to help and watch her little brothers. She has been so ambitious to even fold a basket of laundry, and even though it's not perfect, it usually gets put away that way anyways. She also unloaded our dishwasher this morning. Seriously, best four year old or what? Anyways, though we update our family blog quite often, it's nice to post on here and keep things going! We would love to hear from the rest of the family and love keeping up to date with everyone on here!

Lots of love,
The Stannix Fam


G J Hudkins said...

Congrats Mike and Addie, we are sooo excited to have another Grandchild!!

Love Mom and Dad

The Hudkins Family said...

That's great news! Congratulations!

Love Brent & Roxanne

polischuk said...

Woot, woot!!!! A new little Stannix, congrats. Spring babies rock! Love the Polischuks

Anonymous said...

We're pretty excited. I will now be needing to use some of Grampa's fingers and toes.. My friend Joyce said the other day that she told her family she wanted to have 100 before she graduates to the other side. I think she is 84 or 85. So you kids still have a little time 'cause I'm somewhat younger. It's nice that Camilla is ssucha helper.

Gramma & Grampa

Jon and Alyson said...

Fun! Another tiny to add. It is a miracle when the precious person "magically" learns to sleep before another joins. Although I am sure Heavenly Father passes that along to them so that both children live. =) Congrats Stannix fam. Love you guys! - Jon and Alyson

The Hudkins Family said...

So excited for you! That's what happens when you move in to a bigger house - gotta fill er up! HaHa! (Leslie was born exactly 10months after we bought our house!)
Auntie Charlene