Thursday, November 14, 2013


Chocolate making was such fun and a great success.  We had 19 people here.  We could have had more fondant because the dipping went so quickly.  Garth went to the store and got some fruit jellies, pretzels etc.   They are really good dipped! 

Janene showed us how to make chocolate from scratch and we tried making maraschino chocolates.  Thanks Janene, so fun and interesting. 

My thanks to everyone who came and especially to those who helped clean up afterwards.  I especially thank Jenny for once again getting us organized.  Without her being the catalyst, this would not have happened. 

Thanks Emma for taking pictures.  We look forward to them being posted!  Without Emma we wouldn't have much of a pictorial record of our gatherings. 

Love to all,
Gramma & Grampa


The Hudkins Family said...

It was great fun and great to see everyone! Thanx jenny & Gramma
Charlene xoxo

Jon and Alyson said...

So much fun! Such delicious treats were made and much visiting done. Thanks for organizing Jenny and Gramma. Love you guys! -Alyson

The Hudkins Family said...

I sure enjoyed it and I know Roxanne did too. She wants to do something with our crew at our place sometime. I think she REALLY enjoyed it. Love Brent