Thursday, January 31, 2008

Nice Catch

Don't do like fishing..... you know catch and release!!!!

Anyway, He looks like a nice guy Addie, I'm Proud of you.
Congratulations, Welcome Mike.
Addie, did you tell him we always watch out for our nieces....
Do ya need me to have a chat with him....
I can bring all the BOYS and just like we did with the boy that
took MacKenzy to the dance. We had him worried. (HAHA)

Hey, Love You.... and yes if she loves you than I love ya to Mike.

Take Care and God Bless,

Uncle Troy

Congratulations Addie & Mike

Nice picture, Addie. We need to tell everyone that Mike passed the Gramma Test.... and it's a tough one!! We look forward to getting to know him better.

Hope everyone is keeping warm in this weather.


Monday, January 28, 2008

Addie and Mike

Hey Family!
Incase you haven't heard yet, I'm engaged! Dad wanted me to post a pic of Mike and I for all of here it is. haha
Love you all lots!!

Sunday, January 27, 2008


Hey Brent,

If you look back to the posting from Jan. 7, I posted a video
(from the logging competition) from our Alaska cruise.
It's similar to posting pics, not to hard.
If you have any questions give me a call.

I will try to get some other videos on the computer and hopefully get some on the blog.

Talk to ya later,


Saturday, January 26, 2008

Thanks for posting the pictures they are great. What great looking grandkids you have Brent and Rocky!!!! The pictures are great and I love to see how grown up your kids are, send more when you can. Love Y'all (a little American eh!!!!) Nancy

Aaron, Chelsey, Brooke, Austin and Keisha


8 Aunty Helen Hahn will be 82
16 Brent & Roxanne's anniversary (28 I think)
21 Roxanne's Birthday (29, right Rocky?)
26 Betty Wilson (My wettums doll - we're just glad to have her here give her a call
at 780-435-6345)

Again, if I've missed anyone, please fill me in.

Love you all,

Love to Hear from Everyone

I love seeing all the pictures and hearing how everyone is doing.
Good to hear you got your posts, Troy, and can now do another step. It is exciting to see the progress on the house.

Today we had a small buisness/home business workshop at the Employment Center. We had a big turn-out. Dad & I stayed out in the office and answered the door and telephone so missed most of it but everyone coming out of the room was quite enthused. The second part is on Feb. 9th.

I hope Charlene posts something on the blog because she is in charge of a WHOLE BUNCH of quilts that Ft. McM R.S. is doing for a service project up there. She's done days and days of work. I think today they were hoping to finish. Would be nice if she told us about it.

I would like to hear from others as well --- Garth, Charlene, Alyson, Jenny, Leslie, Brandon, and on and on and on. SOME of us are doing quite well.

Love you all,

Friday, January 25, 2008

Cool Pics

Hey Brent, those are cool pics from skydiving, it looks like fun....

Cassidy and a friend went skydiving for Graduation.
We got it on video when they went.
They had a lot of fun, and want to do it again.

Well I got 2 steel posts and a beam to the property today, and we
will be going to put in the posts tomorrow, and maybe even start
on the in-floor heating. No new pics from the house yet.

Anyway, how is everyone doing in the Hudkins Clan, And of course
all the other names (you know who you are) that are part of the
extended Hudkins Clan.

Just want to say that we are all doing fine.
We love you all, and God Bless everyone.

Troy, Nancy, and the kids. :)

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Did they really JUMP?

Just in case if anyone was wondering if we really did jump out of a perfectly good plane!

Why are they SMILING?

So....... you may be right, we may be crazy!
Yea, I was a little apprehensive before we jumped. But wow, what a rush. A little dangerous, no doubt, but I've got a ticket to do it again. It will be better the next time.

Monday, January 21, 2008

a nice picture of Mom and Dad

Looks like the house is coming along real good. Roxanne didn't get pics of Keisha's party but I think Jordan did. If they haven't figured out how to post a message or pic, I'll go over to help them.Here is a picture of the Edmonton Temple and one of Mom and Dad. They were taken in July 2007.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Hi Aaron and family thanks for writing on the blog I am looking forward to pictures and updates on your family. Hope to hear from you soon.
Roxanne did you take any pictures of the party, if so could you put some on the blog would love to see them.

News from the Great White North

Hi Everyone,

I just came back awhile ago from Keisha's birthday party. She had four little friends there plus family. Keisha and her friends were dressed in princess was adorable! Austin was happy to have so many people there...he is quite the entertainer! He is talking very well and his newest word is 'pizza'.

Take care and hope to hear from you soon!


Hi Everyone

Hey guys, We are just learning how to do this blog stuff. We will post pics and other stuff soon. Love you all.
Love Aaron, Chelsey, Brooke and Rocky (our dog).

Hi Everyone.

Hey guys! From Aaron, Chelsey, Brooke and Rocky (our dog). Just learning how to blog. We will post pics and other stuff soon. Love you all.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Update on House

Sorry we have not updated lately. We have been on a break from going to the house for a week now as we were trying to find steel posts for the basement. Apparently they are a little difficult to find here as basements are not under houses here in Washington so we are having to have them fabricated. Luckily Troy's coaching partner is the owner of a steel fabricator so they are in the process of making them they should be done on wed and then we will be out at the house at night time with Troy working on the in floor heating. After that we will be able to start on the main floor. Here are some of the latest pictures of the basement and the layout of the main floor.
I am home this weekend with a quiet house, just pat and I Troy is gone to Spokane with Kenzy and Cal. Cass is in Tri-Cities, so we are enjoying the quiet. So with that being said this is my first time blogging on my own Troy usually does it so I hope it works.
Love ya all

Thursday, January 17, 2008

How's The House?

Everyone must be doing well because the blog is very quiet.

I'm anxious for pictures to see the progress on the new house. It's exciting for me to see what's happening. I keep checking every day.

The temple is closed these two weeks for maintenance. We're only working at the Employment Center and have had some interesting people in these past two days. Been really busy. We're having a 'Small Business/Home Business' 2 day workshop on Jan. 26 & Feb 9. A member from Southern AB is coming up. He worked for the Government where helped small businesses in difficulty. Apparently he also had a couple of successful small businesses of his own. Should be pretty interesting.

Thanks for Keisha's birth date, Roxanne.


Sunday, January 13, 2008

Another January birthday

Hi all,

Hope everyone is doing well. Here is another January birthday to add to the list.

January 20 - Keisha Lynn (turning 4)

Take care,

Friday, January 11, 2008

January Happy Birthdays

The following were born in January. I know I don't have everybody so you'll have to fill me in - especially the new members of our family.

January 7th - Nancy Hudkins

January 10th - Jon Bird

January 13th - Cassidy Hudkins. By the way, Kassidy Penner was born on this day too.She is Shauna Wilson's daughter. Interesting that they both have the same name.

January 15th - Stan Clarke (This is a the pay cheque BD. Call him 780 487-3013 He would be surprised and delighted.)

January 18th - Emma Hudkins - She was the New Years baby in that area that year!

January 25th - Janene Hudkins

I might be missing some. If I am, please fill in. I don't have all the grand in-law birthdays - both those married and unmarried. So I need some dates from you.


Monday, January 7, 2008


Just trying to figure out how to put a video on the blog,
bear with me, I'm still learning....


Things may not be what it seems!

It seems to me that if I wanted to, I could blame some one else for making derogatory comments about my fine brother (you know, the one with the FACIAL HAIR), but I may not be believed anyway! I wish I was the one that thought of it. I hope it was one of my sons, because then I can be blamed for teaching them the art of teasing. HM-M-M-M I wonder who it was that taught me the art of teasing?? Anyhow, here are some more pictures of the 50th anniversary.

Please send me some pics of the anniversary by e-mail, as I don't have many of your families. When I try to save pics from the blog the quality is very poor, so please e-mail them. Oh, and can everyone send me their e-mail address so I can update the address book? Thanks.

Love always,

Your big Brother oops I mean " The Man in the Moon! "

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Happy New Year

Hi Everyone!Hope you all had a great Christmas and New Years!  Here is a family pic taken October 13. I tried Grandma's Boiled Raisin Cake recipe - it's good! Cal - you will have to whip this up!

I am excited to have this blog to keep in touch with everyone...what a great idea! I check it everyday. I love to see the pics of everyone...once I know what I am doing, I will send more pics of the family.


Happy Birthday Nancy!

Happy Birthday, Nancy - January 7th

Hope this year will be wonderful with a new house as your gift.

Gramma & Grampa

Saturday, January 5, 2008

signing blog entries

I think we should sign our blog entries so we know who wrote them. Some one made a comment that Uncle Garth finally had facial hair. (I suspect it was Brent) but it was left unsigned. Uncle Garth might want to know who said that! Gramma you are really becomming a great blogger!

Talk to you all later, Troy.

Thursday, January 3, 2008


More house pics,

It sure seems like it is moving along!!!


Wednesday, January 2, 2008


Cool recipe Gramma, I'm going to see if Cal will try to make it for us.

Here are a couple more pics of the house from yesterday.

Luv ya all,
Troy and Nancy

Gramma just to let you know you are a great blogger!!!!