Friday, January 25, 2008

Cool Pics

Hey Brent, those are cool pics from skydiving, it looks like fun....

Cassidy and a friend went skydiving for Graduation.
We got it on video when they went.
They had a lot of fun, and want to do it again.

Well I got 2 steel posts and a beam to the property today, and we
will be going to put in the posts tomorrow, and maybe even start
on the in-floor heating. No new pics from the house yet.

Anyway, how is everyone doing in the Hudkins Clan, And of course
all the other names (you know who you are) that are part of the
extended Hudkins Clan.

Just want to say that we are all doing fine.
We love you all, and God Bless everyone.

Troy, Nancy, and the kids. :)


The Hudkins Family said...

Troy, you need to figure out how to post a video. I'd like to see it. We also got videOS OF OUR DIVES, I'LL TRY TO FIGURE OUT HOW TO POST THEM ALSO. (Austin hit the cap locks while I was typing). He spent friday night with us.

Take care