Monday, November 3, 2008

October was busy

Happy Halloween...Tigger, she hated it!!!
BFFs Jacey & Ember in their pumpkin hats

New winter hat, which totally fits!!!! hehe

Her attempt at smiling, those dang bird lips!

Great Gramma and Jacey cuddling it up

Hey guys, just a quick hello and update from the Bird fam. Jon is still puttering away at school and cannot wait till December to be done and start working. (me neither) =) I am loving being at home with my lady and having fun watching her develop. I cannot believe how fast they grow and change, its kinda sad! Jacey is just blossoming, I am waiting impatiently for her to smile. All she gives me are the Bird lips, put your darn bird lips away and smile!! Oh well, it will come. She dressed up for Halloween this year as Tigger, too funny, although she hated it!! hehe What can you do. Also really enjoyed getting to meet Les and Mikes little guy, he is precious and adorable. Soon there will be 3, ah fun times for gramma and grampa. Anyways though this will be short and I will leave you with some pics, hope everyone is well. We sure miss and love you all!! Take care. Love: The Bird Crew


The Hudkins Family said...

The Tigger outfit is really cute. I like the bird lips.

It's funny how you think they're so small, but then compared to a newborn like that cute little Kingston, she looks so much bigger. Three pounds at this stage is a lot. (Almost half again as big as Kingston)

They are both so precious.

Thanks for the pictures and update.
