Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Remembrance Day

I was doing some thinking and remembering. I am very grateful for the freedoms we have, thanks to the many who fought for that freedom and thanks to my parents for immigrating to Canada.

I was also thinking about how much I enjoyed going to the Remembrance Day services in Fort McMurray and chiding myself for not having taken advantage of those ceremonies since moving to the city. Watching on TV is good, but it's not like being there.

I was wonding, too, what our American family is doing on this day. I don't know much about how you honour your war dead. Do you do it on November 11th as well? Do you have a symbol such as our poppy? I'm sure you do something down there, but I am very ignorant as to how and what. Please give us a little history lesson.

I am currently making a small batch of fondent just to see if I remember how. It is currently cooling. I have a feeling it's going to turn to sugar.

Love to all,


Jon and Alyson said...

Hey Gramma, Remembrance Day is such a special day and often times people don't realize it. Jon and I were in Belgium & Germjany at this time and saw the Canadian gas attacks monument, truly humbling. Makes you grateful!!