Monday, November 24, 2008

We have a Date Set!

hello everyone,

We hardly ever come on here because its hard to find a computer. Ours crashed and we are waiting on a new one. The four of us are doing great and Keisha really enjoys kindergarten. Austin is just a little monster most of the time, he likes to play fight alot but he sure loves hockey, especially the goalie.

As for Kristina and I we have indeed set a date for our wedding. The big day is July 18, 2009 in Fort McMurray and we will be getting invitations out there sometime in the spring.

When we get our new computer we will keep in touch and upload some photos.

Talk later,

Jordan & kristina


The Hudkins Family said...

Nice! I have it marked on my new 2009 calendar!


Jon and Alyson said...

Ohhh, so exciting! These next few years are gonna be big in our fam. Babies, weddings and just busyness!!! We're excited for ya. Love Birds