Sunday, December 14, 2008

Growing and Visiting

Jacey wrangling and riding Tula the tank

Daddy sweetening up the sour lady's day!

Bored much in the Bumbo

Austin and Jacey, he was so proud

Hey all, thought I would get on here before heading to the Mac and post some things. Bird crew is doing great! Minus being really sick, things are pretty good. Jon has one more exam to finish so we hope that they go well. I am finishing up Christmas shopping and wrapping, and preparing to play for Mom's Christmas concert. Should be fun! Jacey is still same old same old, getting bigger. Her and I are sick right now though, yucky colds and she has this pathetic little cough, too sad!We are excited to head up to the Mac for Christmas with Jon's fam and mine this year, should be really fun! Also getting super pumped to head to Seattle in January, here we come guys...are you ready? Could be a bit of a gongshow!! Anyways just a quick note, here are a few pics I have of the lady and others, enjoy. Talk soon, love you lots! Bird Family


The Hudkins Family said...

I love the pictures, Alyson. Auston has a real pleased expression. His dimple is the so cute.
Hope you are both feeling better.

The Hudkins Family said...

You guys look like you are having way too much fun!

love uncle garth

The Hudkins Family said...

I can't believe how big Austin is getting! and what a good looking boy - just like his dad! Merry Christmas to all!!!