Sunday, December 28, 2008

news from the rockies

Hello everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. It is a great time of year to spend with family and friends. I thought I would post a picture with Janene's and My Christmas gift from Mike and Addie. Look at the picture... really close... that's right, we are pregnant!! Nice shirts hey! It seems to be a very catchy thing lately. I will let you all get the real info from Addie and Mike, things like when is the due date etc.
I am pretty slow on the up swing. When we opened the presents and Janene and I were reading our shirts, Janene promptly said "congratulations" and I was still reading the words on my shirt wondering... "why would they give me this"? Pretty slow huh.
Well, we are very excited and are feeling blessed. I know Charlene and Louis are old pros at this being a grandparent thing but it certainly is a new experience for us. Well that is the latest from the rockies! We had a good christmas and are looking forward to 2009.
Love you all and have a happy and prosperous new year!
Janene and Garth


The Hudkins Family said...

I just wanted to be the first to comment..........Garth looks good in red haha, i beat you to it gramma!!!!

The Hudkins Family said...

Mike - You only beat me to it because the internet was all tied up and it wouldn't let me logon. The satellite was jammed with all this good news, I guess!!

Congratulations - We'll take all the great-grandchildren we can get. Let's see -- After Brandon's wedding on May 23rd we'll have 10. Then when Jenny & Graham's TBA arrives it will be 11. So, Addie & Mike - you make the even dozen!! Wheweeee!!

I can tell you this much - On October 19th, 1957 as a 19 year old bride, standing beside that handsome YOUNG man in the Whyte Avenue chapel, I had no clue how far-reaching our wedding vows would be. All I could think of was two people very much in love looking forward to life together. What we didn't know about was LIFE!!

We have been blessed beyond measure. Thank you, Father.


The Hudkins Family said...

Wohoo! Congrats and big hugs!!! Our little people will be close in age. Won't next Christmas be so fun?!

Ditto to Gramma's comment, what a wonderful time of year to reflect on how much our family has been blessed. It is cool to think about how massive we are getting as a family and how wonderful it is to be friends with one another.

I can't wait for the weddings and little people to come in 2009!
Love you all ~Jenny & TBA (we are a combo right now)

Jon and Alyson said...

Yeah congrats, Addie I am sending out girl thoughts...or boy thoughts...or double thoughts? hehe Congrats, can't believe all the baby making that is going on, good job everyone!! Can't wait to meet all the little people. Love ya, Birds

The Hudkins Family said...

Gramma, counting everyone, you almost have as many great-gandchildren as you do grandchildren!! Our family is dominating. Congratulations Addie and Mike, great news!

Love, the Hinko's (Charlene and Leslie)

The Hudkins Family said...

I just called Roxanne and thought I would tease her about some great news on the blog. She already knew.

Cogratulations Addie and Mike, from Auntie Rocky and Uncle Brent.

Yes, We are all truly blessed!

The Hudkins Family said...

Well congrats from all of us down here. We are really excited for you. Addie and Mike I am really glad that you made your mom and dad grandparents first. I didn't really want to be a grandparent before Uncle Garth. We are so excited for all of the new additions to the Hudkins clan. We cannot wait to be able to cross the border to come and see all the little people.
Love Always Auntie Nancy