Tuesday, December 2, 2008

A Wonderful Season

Hi Everyone, I thought that instead of commenting on all your messages, I would just post one.

I love your tree, Addie & Mike. Your first Christmas together and everything that goes with it is very special and a great memory. Improvising is the most fun. The tree-topper is the cutest. Enjoy...

Yes, chocolate making was a great experience. It's been at least 30 years since I last made them. They aren't the most professional, but being together and having a special experience together is more important than any perfectly made chocolate. I also decided that they must be putting some kind of additive into cereal cream or half & half, whatever you want to call it because all the fondent we made using half & half did not turn out really well but when I used whipping cream, it was as it should be, even though I made it the same way. Anyway, it was a busy busy time. I'm sure Grampa's home teaching families will enjoy their treats.

Troy - I think turkey twice in two months is really gross -- especially when you taunt the rest of us!! I hope you enjoyed every bite. I'm looking forward to doing some cooking with Calorado when we get down there. Cal - let me know if there are any specific recipes I should bring along. I'm actually getting better at making home-made soups. Either that, or Grampa's not as picky as he used to be!!

I'm using this computer with our new flat screen that Brent brought and hooked up yesterday. Way much more space on the computer table. (I'm a piler, so it will probably get piled before too long.) I love the screen.

Well, we work at the temple this pm and are both going to snooze for an hour before we go so I need to sign off.

We love you all,


Jon and Alyson said...

Gramma, making chocolates was super fun! I cannot believe how many were made though, that is crazy. I can't wait to see your new computer and how great you guys do on it! hehe

The Hudkins Family said...

Same computer, updated screen. Brent is seeing to our techno requirements.
