Saturday, November 7, 2009

Birthdays and Anniversaries

Hi to everyone, I hope everybody will forgive me for not putting all of the special dates on the blog.

Anyway..... If everyone will e-mail me with all pertinent dates and names with birthdays and anniversaries from all of the families I will work to get them on the side calender reminder.

I am trusting the parents of the younger parents to make sure I get all dates and names (with spelling) to me I would feel bad if any dates get missed.

My e-mail is

I will try to get dates entered as I get them.

Thank you in advance to everyone.

I have enjoyed my second full week at the plant and am learning a bunch about the way the structures go together. Itis a very interesting operation.

Love everyone very much,

Husband, Son, Brother, Uncle Troy


The Hudkins Family said...

Troy - didn't mean to make you feel bad or that it was your job to post everyone's birthdays because it's not! Anyways, where exactly are you working? and is it plumbing or what? Glad it's going well and what is Cal up to?
Charlene xxoo

The Hudkins Family said...

Sure glad you're enjoying the work, Troy. I now notice what the temp is in Lethbridge when the weatherman is on the news.
