Sunday, November 15, 2009

Ten Years

Hi Everyone,
We just got back from the Temple Workers' Annual Devotional. As always, it was a spiritual meeting. This December our temple has been in operation for 10 years. Before the meeting began they had a power point presentation showing the construction right from the groundbreaking through to completion and then through to this summer where it showed the beautiful flowers around the grounds.

For speakers they had each of the Temple Presidents: President Salmon, President Patterson and President Holt. Charlene - you would be interested in the choir. They sang the same song that the choir did at the presentation. The choir was made up of temple workers.

There are now 240 temple workers. It was so enjoyable to see them all together and to feel the strength and unity. We were able to visit over lunch after the meeting.

What a special blessing the temple is in our lives and what a great privilege it is to serve in His Holy House!

Just wanted to share this spiritual experience with you all.

Love you all so very much,
Gramma & Grampa


The Hudkins Family said...

Sounds like such an awesome experience, Wish we could have all been there with you guys.

Love you, Troy

Jon and Alyson said...

Gramma that is pretty amazing that ten years have gone by already. Funny, my teacher that I worked with while preggo told me that her and her husband did the open house and were just amazed at how beautiful everything was and the peaceful feeling! Kinda special. - Alyson