Sunday, November 22, 2009

Jacey's puppy adventures

So this video is a bit long, but wonderful. We were in Lethbridge visiting my friend Manda Baker and her dog Cody is just amazing with kids. So Jacey was pretty interested in him and would follow him around with her eyes and he came to sit by her and she reached her little hanny out and pet him. I was seriously crying the whole time I videotaped because this is just an amazing little feat for her. She was also so interested in a horse a few days later in Lethbridge. It was a rodeo and we just walked up to a lady to ask for a pet, Jacey loved it and was not even a little afraid of the huge animal standing next to her. She just reached right out and was petting. We are just so proud of our little bird girl!! - Mama Bird


The Hudkins Family said...

We are thrilled with each little step that Jacey takes forward. Grampa and I see progress and it is exciting. She is so precious. You are great parents and doing a wonderful job working with her.

Gramma & Grampa

Unknown said...

Too cool!

The Hudkins Family said...

She has such a great personality! I love it! The pics and video are awesome! Love you all~