Sunday, November 22, 2009

It has been FOR- EV-ER!!

Little Piggy indeed, look of pure evil right here

Flashdance called, they want their move back

The three cousins just hanging out

This girl was beyond silly in her seat,
she couldn't stop giggling long enough to suck

Surprised by her piggy tails
Trying out piggytails

Sharing our look of SHOCK!

Our silly look before Fam Pics

Post Tubby=Awesome!!

Alas, our little Pirate... Arrr...

Hey guys, sorry it has been forever since posting. We have been busy settling into the new place, once the pics are on the walls, I'll post pics as well. But just wanted to show some of the growing lady. She is hilarious now-a-days, just a riot. What a little personality she has!! She is really doing well and developing. She has been bumped up for an extra physio a month which rocks and she has been approved for government disability. Bittersweet, but more sweet than bitter. Able to do so much more for her now. She is trucking along and eating more and more "big girl" food...which makes the big girl diapers...well big girly! =) She is just great! Jon and I are getting excited to decorate for Christmas, this is the first year we have a tree and lights and a house to put those lights on and the tree in....good thing we waited eh!?! We just wanted to shout out and say hey and show off our kid some more!! Love you all, take care. The Birds


The Hudkins Family said...

Way too cute. Thanks for sharing.
