Saturday, August 21, 2010

Bird Girl's Surgery

Hello all,

I think I will be doing the writing and updating for a bit, I am your new host of a little game I like to call How is Jacey doing? Well not so much a game but she is definitely testing the limit of how long she can go without sleeping...Well as most of you know Jacey had surgery this week to correct her eyes and hips. Yes 2 in 1 surgery, we talked to the surgeons and they said that the surgery went very well. And as of noon yesterday Jacey has been in a room at the Stollery Hospital recovering from those surgeries. She is doing really well and still is finding time to play drop the soother and drop anything that is in front of me onto the floor game. A favorite of mommy and daddy....nope just kidding not fun at all. She is doing really well though, the only thing is she is having a hard time sleeping. That is why Mommy and Daddy are resting now and have time to update the blog. Her biggest problem is her lack of movement she has a big cast on her legs and they are separated by a broomstick here I included a picture of this as it is pretty cool and she definitely got some wild colours haha.  I will update you as things progress but as of now she is doing well and is in good spirits.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for your thoughts and prayers, especially for the big family prayer the night before the surgery.  We thank you and love you all for this.  This helped us a lot during a difficult time for our family. Also, thanks for all who have made suppers and who have helped out at the hospital again this has helped us tremendously.

Also in a final note today is Jacey Bird's birthday Happy 2nd Birthday to a sweet special girl and even though it is no fun to have a birthday in the hospital I think straight eyes and straight legs are a not bad present...well maybe some toys would be better but we are unconventional parents like that haha.
Take Care,

Jon, Alyson and a recovering Jacey


The Hudkins Family said...

Glad to hear Jaycee is doing better. We hope that the parents, aunts/uncles and grandparents are relieved that everything is turning out OK. We wish we could be there to help and give you a break. We love you and especially little Jaycee.

Uncle Brent

The Hudkins Family said...

We are so glad that this surgery is behind you. Jacey is such a special little sweetheart. We continue to pray for her to be comfortable and be able to sleep. I have always found that as long as you are sleeping you don't feel any pain. Sleep is a real bleassing. We will all pray for that for Jacey.

Thanks for the update.

Love you all,
Gramma & Grampa

The Stannix's said...

Thanks for the update. Good to hear she's doing well! Wish her a happy birthday for us! You are all in our prayers. Give us a call if you need ANYTHING :)
We love you!