Sunday, August 29, 2010

Family Directory

Hello all,

Cass and I have been very busy getting ready for our little guy and my health. I have been making many trips to the hospital for tests and appointment. We are almost 36 week and waiting to see if I am induced for high blood pressure and an "old placenta." 36 weeks is when the hospital we want to deliver at will induce so I have been trying to take it easy. The little man looks good, it's just me that's having a hard time, but I am ok with that.

Since I can't do much I have started working on the directory we had discussed at the reunion. I don't want our private info on the blog since it is not private, although birthdays and anniversaries will be put on. So if all those who didn't write their info down at the reunion can e-mail me the info for everyone in their home, as well as those older children you don't think will check the blog. Please include full names, birthdays, anniversaries, street address, e-mail address and phone numbers (we think cell numbers would be good as well.) If you did write it down at the reunion I will e-mail you that I need more or you are good.

My e-mail is and thanks for the help. I will try to be like Jenny and bug you all, but not too much. When I am done I will e-mail everyone a copy and from there you can print or keep on your computer, whichever is easier for you.

Thanks again,