Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Wish I was there

Thanks for the pics everybody. I hope there will be more pics soon. Roxanne got some good ones also. I'll let her post them.

I heard it was the best and it looks like alot of fun had by all. When we plan the next one if a date is chosen before november the year before, I'll be able to book vacation to ensure I will be there. (yes, Jenny I will volunteer if needed. and thanks for the call, you are very thoughtful).

 If someone has videos, please post them. Roxanne tells me the sumo wresting between Garth vs Troy was good as well as Brandon vs Aaron. How about a video of the baseball? Anyhow thanks for the posts, Don't just put them on facebook, get them on here also. (I don't go on facebook).

Uncle Brent


The Hudkins Family said...

We missed you too, Brent as we did all who couldn't be there. It was sucha great time.

I agree - please post on the blog. There are lots of us who don't go on facebook.
