Monday, August 30, 2010

fun fact from the life of Arland

Hey everyone! Arland here! I just thought i'd let you guys know that I got kicked outta the house the other day!!! Hah! jk. I actually left. They all miss me now i'm sure. Probably wishing I was back at home right now. They're most likely regretting the fact that they let me leave. Or not.
So I made a decition a while back to spread my wings and fly into a world of.. . .  .  . (dramatic pause) buying my own groceries, paying my own bills, and not having mom and dad there to remind me of stuff! To most of you this is just everyday independance, but to me it's a new adventure and a learning experience. So, to make things official, I decided to get a couple of roomates, an place, and a job. Our place is on 83 ave here in e-town, and we get possesion of it on Sept 1st.  I havn't been there yet.  For a job i got onto a base crew for Standard General construction in St. Albert and will be busy taking their money for about two months.  I had my first day today and really enjoyed it!  Annyways! I hope everything is going well with all of you! And I shall talk to you later!


The Hudkins Family said...

really cool Arland. The Independence is scary for some and the freedom can be fun (don't have too much fun, cause it means you might be getting yourself in trouble one way or another). You'll have alot of responsibility now. Don't get stuck with all the bills and all the cleaning. Ask your Dad about that one!

Uncle Brent

The Hudkins Family said...

Now you get to not only shop for your own food and pay for it and bring it home and put it away, but then you get to find a recipe and figure out how to cook it when you get hungry enough, but then after all that you even get to clean up after yourself, too as now there is no one else to do it!!! But seriously, enjoy your first "pad"
Auntie Charlene

The Hudkins Family said...

congrats arland, I have to say though it is much easier to do all those things and take care and even clean up after yourself when you can do it in your own time, and not being told to do it.(this coming from the guy who will soon being telling his kid what to do and when to do it. haha) you will enjoy it and i hope you have fun.