Sunday, September 5, 2010

Be Prepared

While we were on our trip, my attention was drawn to some of the road signs.  They warned us of goat/deer/moose crossings, speed limit signs, how fast we should take the winding mountain corners, and  when to yield to traffic.  One in particular stood out to me...
That's definitely a sign you don't see where I'm from!! As we were driving home (well after midnight) I began thinking about the "road" signs that we are provided with in the gospel and all the warnings we've received in the scriptures.  These signs help us be safe and live a happy life.  We have been given "speed limit" signs and things that, if we do them, we will stay safe and have a good life.  I don't know that I'm really getting my thoughts across, but anyway.  It's something I've been thinking about lately, being prepared physically, spiritually, emotionally etc. 

Today in Relief Society, we had an awesome lesson on being prepared for emergencies and assembling our 72 hour kits.  A lot of great ideas and advice was given and I am now fully motivated to prepare our family in this area.  I'm looking forward to the next few family home evenings where we will sit down and make out an emergency action plan and work towards putting together our emergency kits.  I just feel that it's important, and that it's one more way we are obeying the road signs and listening to the counsel of church leaders.  I know that as I heed the road signs in my life, I will be happy.  Life is good.

Congrats to the new mommy and daddy! Kouper is sure a cutie pie!!

Addie (Mike&Camilla)


The Hudkins Family said...

Good thoughts, Addie. Just remember that your 72 hour kit is not for long-term. Just for 72 hours. Make it in something that is easy to carry, like a backpack. That's what Grampa & I have. When our fire alarm goes in the building, we just grab our packs and are out of here. One lady asked me if I was bringing the "family jewels". WhenI explained what it was, she said "You are probably the only one here that is prepared."