Saturday, September 4, 2010

Kouper Troy Eugene Hudkins

Well we have a very tiny man. I had to be induced immediately on Tuesday for high blood pressure and other complication. Kouper (pronounced Cooper) is doing great, we could not be happier. He was 4lb 12oz and 4lb 8oz when we left the hospital and 16 inches long. Our only worry is his blood sugar since he is so small, but formula is helping that. I am still not able to do much since my blood pressure is still extremely high, but my baby is healthy and all that matters.

Since he is a preemie we have been told not to take him out for a month and to have very few visitors, and of course no one that is sick. But we would love to show him off.

Cass is the happiest man on earth and has been a huge help while I've been sick. I could not have asked for a better father to my children.

Anyway, here are some pictures.

Love you all,


The Hudkins Family said...

Congratulations! We are thrilled to have #13. He is beautiful and perfect. Just like a little tiny boy doll. We love him and love you both.

Enjoy the little man. Thanks for sharing the pictures.

Gramma & Grampa

Jon and Alyson said...

WAHOO, so excited that he is here! No more romantic hospital dates Jeanine =) You are Cassidy are wonderful parents to the tiny gent already. Congrats!! Love, The Birds

Jon and Alyson said...

oops, meant you AND cassidy are wonderfun parents....oops

The Hudkins Family said...

Can't wait to see him and hold him (I'll wait until the real grandparents are gone) He sure is cute!
Auntie Charlene