Thursday, September 2, 2010


Congratulations on the birth of your son Cassidy and Janene. And welcome to to Grampa/Gramma hood Troy and Nancy. I understand that you got yourself the no-name brand..... thats what happens when you go to the grocery store for your choice of kids. I don't think he will cost any less to raise though. HAHA!

Nancy, I was talking to Dawn Kidd yesterday and then heard the same story on the news. A procedure for helping people with MS called the LIBERATION TREATMENT has helped alot of people. Check out CTV News. Dawn says it is available in Saskatchewan (not yet in Alberta) but isn't covered by Health care. The news story says they do it in Costa Rica. Good excuse for a vacation, yes?



The Hudkins Family said...

Oh I just googled it, Nancy, go to and under medical services then CCSVI. The phone # is 1-800-sanoviv. Give me a shout if you want.


The Hudkins Family said...

Nancy, google - W5 Liberation Treatment MS. There is 9 episodes to watch. Oh never mind, I'll call you tonight!

The Hudkins Family said...

Congratulationa, Cassidy & Jeanine! So my baby is a grampa. How did that happen?
