Monday, December 19, 2011

Christmas Idea

Yesterday in RS we talked about our ancestors.  I thought this was a wonderful idea that our teacher shared with us. 
She takes a pictures of her ancestors  that she knew.  Puts them into a nice small frame, attaches a ribbon to the it and hangs it on the tree as a decoration.  They looked really nice and certainly would make a  meaningful tree decoration.  I thought I'd share this idea.  - so cool.

We wish you all a wonderful, safe and happy Christmas.  One where we all remember the birth and life of our Savior.  In our bishop's talk yesterday he talked about the Savior's life.  He said "He had a humble birth, a terrible death, but a magnificent life."  I loved that and have thought about it a lot since he spoke.  I am so grateful for the knowledge of our Savior, for the scriptures and for all our prayers he hears and answers.  What a wonderful blessing this is. 

Much love and blessings to you all.

Gramma & Grampa


The Hudkins Family said...

Merry Christmas back at you! Louis is working this year, so Mike & I snagged an invite to Brent & Roxanne's where I get to hold a pretty new baby. For me, Christmas is about the music and this year Keyano Community Choir (which I accompany) went to the exyended care at the hospital. The best part was when the bird joined in vwery loudly!!
Charlene xo