Sunday, December 11, 2011

Great Grands!!

The former 'Hinko Girls' recently had a photoshoot with Gramma and Grandpa.
We wanted to capture them with our little folk.
Emma came and helped us wrangle everyone, she got some AWESOME pictures. Thanks lady! Thanks Gramma and Grandpa for doing this with us.


Anonymous said...

Way too fun. Good job Emma. Thanks for posting Jen.
Love to all,
Gramma & Grampa

The Hudkins Family said...

Awesome Pics! The hats are a nice touch:)

Uncle Brent

The Hudkins Family said...

Emma - great job! It's tough doing little people but it helps when they are so adorable! I really liked the hands. Mom, did you know you and Stella have the same color eyes?
Charlene xo

Jon and Alyson said...

I don't want to say awesome looking kids....BUT AWESOME LOOKING KIDS! Gramma and Grampa are awesome too. Emma you did a great job. Cute!