Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Cookbook Boss

Recently I e-mailed to each of you (the ones I had e-mail addresses for) a site with info regarding doing a family cookbook.  I had some positive replies.  I spoke to Barb who loves working with computers.  She has agreed to be our Family COOKBOOK BOSS.  I'm hoping that we can all donate our favourite recipes and come up with a neat Hudkins Family Cookbook that will be available for the next family reunion - whenever that will be.  So please give Barb your support when she gives the word.

Thanks everyone.  Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and Grampa and I wish you all a happy and healthy new year.

Love you all lots,


Garth said...

I really still like this idea and will work with Janene in sending our favourite recipes! I know our family has some recipes that we think are great.

polischuk said...

I am in and will submit to Barb! Just made a salad and dip for New Year's Eve that are easy and yummy...we'll get on it Gramma! Awesome idea!!!!!

The Hudkins Family said...

I'll definitely submit Gramma Schneiders 'Flapper Pie" recipe. She was a super good cook. It was so delicious. My mouth is watering....gotta go make some now.
