Sunday, December 25, 2011

New plans for the upcoming family reunion

Miss Jenny it's that time again very soon and I figured I'd take some ideas on the reunion this year see what we all can come up with and if we can figure things out for the next up and coming.

If you guys have any ides feel free to comment them and we can plan something out and make assignments. But first enjoy your Christmas and your new year before worrying about this.

I though of a few ideas:

A farm like last year

Maybe west Ed mall

A lake house


Other ideas for the big party it self:

Talent show

Crazy games/ including kick the can

Big card tourney

Hudkins Olympics that ones in thought

Maybe if were on a farm a horse back adventure

Family bike ride

Arts crafts like before

And that's all I got for now but I'd love to hear from you all so we can get this all set up as soon as possible for an awesome family reunion this coming year.

And I'd love to give this one a big bang one to remember

Thank you and love you all



The Hudkins Family said...

I don't remember if we have the date yet?
Auntie Charlene

polischuk said...

LOVE that you are excited and eager to get the wheels in motion cuz!!!

I love the idea of Olympics...perhaps each family could plan an event??

When I read 'big bang' it reminded me of my 30th Birthday in August where we had fireworks...if the location was right we could have fireworks!

I am always a fan of WEMall and shopping, but is that social enough? The waterpark or galaxyland could be fun if we do a day thing.

Thanks again Cal for the kick start. We are building a house and moving this summer so I am holding back taking the lead but will totally do whatever someone tells me to do :P ~Jenny Love you all!!!

Anonymous said...

We are just always happy when the family gets together.
Thanks, Cal.
Gramma & Grampa

The Hudkins Family said...

OKAY so like I said before, we need to choose dates EARLY, VERY EARLY! (like at the end of the last reunion!!!) for some of us to get the time off, as I have to submit my vacation requests in November for the coming year. I hope I can go this year! It looked like ;ots of fun and heard alot of good from Roxanne and the grandkids. You guys did a GREAT job. Loved the pics! Cal call me if I am needed to help with anything. We have a canoe and a boat if we are by a lake.

Uncle Brent