Monday, June 4, 2012

Jacey Ability Camp - Week 6 & 7 (The first appearance of Jenny, Gramma and Stella)

Sooo I got what, who cares?!? If you don't watch Saturday Night Live....then that wasn't for you! hehe We are however, not lazy at all around here. The opposite in fact, clearly too busy to blog. The first week there really wasn't any excuse except that I didn't want to yet, but knew that it would be a CARAZY post after my sis and Grams got I waited.
The first week back was same old, same old. I wondered if Jacey would scream fest as per usual when she walked in to class in the mornings but she pleasantly surprised me when she screamed happily to see Krisztina and ran in....yeah you read that right...RAN!! My kid runs. It was a very awkward, daringly balancing, walker drag, tip to the side kinda run, but she ran none the less. (Truthfully I am not 100% sure that none the less belongs there but I kinda like it) Her day was fantastic with pee's and poop's to celebrate. She just is really coming into her own now and there is proudness radiating from her and I. She loves her new group of kids, there are 8 and that means there is always someone to play with, chase, look at IPAD's (not touch) and yell in the face of. She is enjoying it immensely. Jacey also busted out her first 3 sticker day, a poop and 2 pee's. I am beginning to think that this blogging is a potty central thing, it isn't but there are an awful lot of potty remarks going on. We got back into the swing of hyperbarics, class and potty schedule and made a menu and things. It was kind of a boring week, except for meeting all the new families and learning names.

JENNY, STELLA AND GRAMMA CAME!!!!! So excited to have some fam here with us. Jacey was beyond shocked when we got to the train station and she saw her Fanty Jenny. There was a jaw drop and some excited bouncing in my arms to get to her. Another surprise was how excited Stella and Jacey were to see each other. They reached their little arms out to each other and hugged and "talked". I was pumped for Gramma's home cooking, cuddles and back or hand rubs. AWESOME!!! We got back to camp and settled in and met the other fams and made a menu and shopping list and just visited. I don't think Jacey wanted to go to sleep for fear that her Fanty would disappear. They did great while here. Stella was a bit of a cling on but did ok with me and wouldn't grace anybody here with anything but a stone cold look. Jacey just wanted Jenny...and sometimes Gramma. Jenny did some of the dives for me so I could have a break from them, so Stella and I hung out and worked on being quiet. Gramma cooked and baked up a storm, and Jacey and I appreciated it. There are a few dads here with their kids and some single moms here with their kids who have benefited from the cooking and everyone chows down her baking. It is sure a nice treat to not have to cook. Poor Gramma! This week was Stella's 1st Birthday and so we did a big party up for her. It was a potluck and everyone made such cool dishes, the kids were in heaven and Gramma whipped up 2 cakes which were demolished and gone within 24 hours. There were another Gramma and Great Gramma and Aunty visiting and so between all of them the dishes were always done, the floor swept, the tables washed and delicious food always cooked. This weekend everyone went home (excpet my Gramma), so I am sure there is a little bit of a funk and some strays will be joining us. We were able to do some shopping and eating out together with the girlies, Jenny enjoyed snapping some sweet pics of her Stella and we got to sightsee a little bit in the area. It is so pretty around visit. We were sad to have Jenny and Stella leave on Saturday morning but happy that my Gramma is going to stay for another week and keep me company and still cook some favs. Jacey also started swimming lessons this week in Picton. She goes twice a week for a 1/2 hour and is not sure if she is enjoying them yet. Her teacher, Laura rocks and just graduated University with her Physical and Occupational Therapy which is right up our alley. We'll see how they pan out.

Well we are 3/4 of the way through this 10 week adventure. Jacey is progressing amazingly and mommy isn't losing her mind yet and we are excited to be done and home. Until then we will work hard, play hard and make friends. Glad to have this experience! - Jacey and Alyson


Garth said...

Great post Alyson, it sounds like Jaycey is having super success. Thank you for keeping us updated on the family blog. Love you all lots!