Monday, June 18, 2012

Jacey Ability Camp - Week 9

I can see the end in sight...we are almost there...just a little bit longer and I can return to my own bed and hubby. These are all things that I tell myself in the morning, in the afternoon and usually again at night. I also tell myself these things when Jacey is being a punk and I wanna poke her in the eye, or if I am really basically this runs through my head ALL THE TIME!!!! We are beginning to get a bit anxious to go home, can you tell?, or at least I am, Jacey could care less.
This week is the last "normal" week that we are doing. Next week is a gongshow full of video's, interviews, full day parents in, graduation and alot of bonding time with the other families. So Jacey did her thing at camp this week, she was heavily involved in her individual program...NOT! This week was a bit of a struggle getting her focused on her program with me in the room. She is sooo nosy that she usually does her excercises without looking at her feet, hands or anything to do with herself. She is usually gazing at the other kids, the dads that she adores, her walker, a dust particle floating...anything other than what she is supposed to. hehe Although I want to lose my cool whilst I grab her face and turn her head to look at what she is doing, I kinda love that she is inquisitive and mindful of what is going on around her. She really enjoys the other kids here and is often crawling into the other rooms to play with them. She also adores Ivanna (I've mentioned her before, she is wonder woman who helps me get a shower, or holds Jacey, or tells her to get her hands out of her mouth), and a couple of the dads here. I often wonder if she would rather playdate with the dad across the hall or his kid?!? She is really doing well with her walker though and if the mood hits her right will run to the next activity in it, or towards a dad. Whatevs, as long as she is doing it I don't care. We will worry about her gentleman infatuation later...that will be her dad's department! =) I am also proud to say that we are consistently using the potty and keeping a dry diaper for a lot of the day. She is making fantastic progress with this and is so proud of herself. I still love the giggle when she pee's into the potty and then looks at me like "Yeah, that was tinkle and I did it!" She is very quick with many of her excercises that at first she really struggled with. 10 weeks of camp has really transformed her into a workout machine, she is ripped and has developed into quite the mover and shaker. Excited for everyone to see her progress.

This week was also busy for me. I was able to enjoy movie night almost every night with a handful of the other parents. We really enjoyed ourselves and kept busy getting to know each other. It was fun and I am hoping to stay in contact with some...not all...but some hehe. I was able to go to Belleville with a few other parents and shop a bit and had a dad treat all of us ladies to dinner. Romantic...except that we had all of our kids who dumped half their meals on themselves and the floor. Jacey pooped her pants and laughed about it and one of the boys stole one of the little girls supper making her cry. If you call that romantic then it was romantic hehe Don't worry guys, Jon knows all about our 5 ladies, 1 gent relationship hehe The poor dad knows now just to say "Yes, Dear!". We also as a group went out for breakfast which was nice and enjoyable. Saturday was by far the funnest day this week. There were 5 families, (4 ladies and 1 gent, not the same one poor guy) that rented a Pontoon boat for a few hours in the afternoon. SOOOO FUN! The kids were so excited and loved parking in the middle of the lake to jump off and swim....but not as much as the parents loved it! We parked in a couple spots and jumped off a few times from the side in different poses and then donned lifejackets so that we could hold up our dead weight kids in the water. It was fun, they loved it. We packed some odds and ends snacks and chowed down mid boating and then each of the kids had a turn driving the boat...ON THEIR OWN. Now when I say on their own I don't mean that they all took turns sitting in the chair, because like 1 out of the 5 can sit independantly. C'mon now! They sat on the dad's lap and he let them hold the wheel on their own and steer and honk the horn. Now for those who don't know this, CP kids tend to have an intense startle reflex. Sooo when the horn was honked repeatedly there was a huge shake up, each time. Every one of those kids jumped every time, even the horn honker themselves. It was hilarious! After we returned the boat and set up to re-rent it next week we headed to a restaurant for dinner with the crew. It was close to 6:30 which is the time that most of our kids hit the sack around here, so there were some very tired, very dozy, can't hold ourselves up kids at the restaurant. Fun day though. On Sunday I picked up my mom in the evening and we enjoyed a dinner out. I am so glad that she is here and Jacey is all over her already. So much fun!!! Anyways gonna run and watch another movie here with the crew.  Love Jacey and Alyson


Anonymous said...

Your Scottish family think you are doing a great job there Alyson. It has been a long haul for you but the benefits have been great. Say hi to my girlfriend.
We love you.

Anonymous said...

Hi Scottish family - good to hear from you.

We are excited to have Alyson & Jacey back home. I have really enjoyed your weekly updates, Alyson. Great job.
