Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Jacey is done camp...Woot Woot!

We are heading home, we are heading home!!! This week was busy, and awesome and flew by. We were kept busy at camp with a revised schedule. Monday was individual parent class with the kids, Tuesday we were all in for the whole day with our kids, Wednesday there was no session, just 2 hyperbaric dives, Thursday was a typical day with the graduation party and then Friday was only until 11. It was BUSY!!! We as the parents also kept really busy. Monday night we decided to cook breakfast for dinner for the men at camp for Father's Day. Word on the street is that they enjoyed the attention and food. I didn't have the heart to tell them that someone ate a pancake that hit the floor! mmmmmm. It was a fun night, the kids after all the food was done and cleaned up played in the classroom for a while before bed. They were all so hyper, I think they could feel that parents were excited to be heading home soon and they were CARAZY! Climbing all over each other on the floor and tackling daddies all over the place. Tuesday was a fend for yourself day and my mom and I really enjoyed our evening together. A girl at camp Camellia taught me to make deep fried chicken strips and we made our warm potato salad, DELISH! It was a nice night followed by a movie with the whole crew. Wednesday was a weird day with no sessio and double hyperbaric, we also had our last chiro appt which I was sad about. My back has never felt so good, carrying around Jacey's dead weight is hard work. Glad she now sits up a bit and helps...finally. hehe Jacey also had her last swim lesson, it went great. Of course on the last day would be when she didn't cry and let me and Gramma sit and watch...of course. We did a big potluck with the families. We cooked 3 different pork tenderloins and a bunch of odds n ends. We were all trying to clean out our cupboards and freezers. It was quite the mix. Jacey ate a bit of everything....10 weeks ago I would have mushed it all up and now, she rocks! Thursday was an awesome day. A real finish it off in style kinda day. We did a bunch of packing in the am while Jacey was in class and then it was time for her 2nd graduation. They engrave medals with their names and dates on them and present them to the kids along with all their artwork and potty charts. It is so cute. We had Hungarian Gouliash for lunch that the conductors made and also a Gramma in the area makes a cake every 5 weeks. Then we hit the beach!!! Not before we pulled off to the bridge in Milford and most of the parents bridge jumped. Yep, it was a good 20 feet up I'd say and we just went all out. A few did a couple jumps. (I only did one as my mom sat disapproving in the car) It was awesome and something I will totally scratch off my bucket list of doing. We had rented a pontoon boat again to head out into the water with. It was soooo much fun! The kids loved jumping off and swimming with their parents and the Gramma's graciously sat on the boat and snuggled kids in towels as they came up. We had some over the side potty's, a delicious packed lunch, one crash into a shallow ground, and one overheated engine. But all in all, the day rocked and we had so much fun! That night, we did fireworks and the kids loved it. They hit the sack early and parents visited and packed and passed on contact info. The next morning was CHAOTIC. I was trying to pack up 10 weeks of life into 2 large suitcases and one carry on. Ummm yeah! Luckily my mom was able to pack some non essential things to bring home and help me out alot. It was bittersweet leaving camp. As much as I joked with everyone that I was pumped and ready to bust outta there...I had a few tears and was sad to leave. This was our life for 10 weeks, we eat, breathed, slept this camp and now it was just...over. Jacey has made such progress and developed so much and I have been strengthened and taught new lifestyles for our whole family. It was the hardest thing I have ever had to do, I joked with my family after the first couple hard weeks that I would have had a baby every day for one week instead of send her in and listen to the upset every day. BUT, it was worth it. An amazing, surreal and truly humbling experience. It would not have happened without all the support from family, friends and complete strangers who donated for our little lady to go. We are blessed. We are home now and are so very excited to see how she will continue to change and grow. Thanks for all the love guys! - A


Anonymous said...

Great report Alyson. Your weekly blogs have been inspiring. We are very proud of you and Jacey for hanging in for 10 weeks and really excited about Jacey's progress. She is such a motivated little person. Oh how we love her!

Congratulations for a job well done. Now this first camp is behind you and there is no place to go but up. What a marvelous learning experience.

We love you so much and are very very proud of you & Jon & Jacey.

Gramma & Grampa