Monday, June 11, 2012

Jacey Ability Camp - Week 8

It was another busy week for us girls...and by girls I mean Great Gramma too!! We sure enjoyed more of Gramma's home cooking and her awesome tidying skills. Gramma sure gave me a break this week as well with Jacey help and keeping her occupied so that I could get things done.
 Gramma came to Jacey's swimming lessons this week and got to witness the Jacey scream a thon spectacle that takes place whenever we drive in the car together. I don't know what it is all about but for goodness sakes, I am getting over it. I have mastered the art of ignoring and singing to my ipod with the volume cranked!!! This week was awesome with Jacey's conductive education, she sure worked hard. There were some new excercises that she did with me for the first time and she did well...a little distracted as she usually is but she worked hard and I see such improvement. Some of my fav quotes from the Conductors about Jacey's nosiness/inquisitiveness/busyness/curiosity are: " are not a court reporter, we don't need an update about everything!", "Miss Bird, looking at everyone else isn't going to make them work only makes you work less.", " Jacey, get working on your own jobs and quit worrying about everyone else's...nosy!". hehe It kills me everytime they bust out their Hungarian accents and tell her to get working. She adores Krisztina and Viktoria and thinks that Dawn, Brenda and Silken are great, but her alltime favorite people are the gents. She loooooves Kevin (the director and dive operator) and Paul (the maintenance man) and all the dad's in the group. A few of them just pick her up when she flashes her little white grin at them and carry her around while they get meals ready or are playing with their own kids. She is a bit of a flirt with these men and totally gets whatever she wants from them. What a bunch of suckers!!! It is hilarious to watch, I think that she must miss her daddy and these men are fillers for the few weeks we are still here. hehe Something not so fun this week is Jacey's lack of wanting to sleep good. She got up quite a few times this week for longer periods of time, which sucks. I was losing my patience quite a bit and getting over the whole up all night thing. I think some of the other moms saw me hit my wall a bit and one of them offered to take Jacey for her afternoon dive this Wednesday, it was so nice and really appreciated...I used my time wisely...I slept!

There is another girl here who has her mom, gramma and cousin staying and they were the ones who took her in the dive. The cousin, Ivanna has been an awesome help with taking Jacey so I can shower, or playing with her so that I can tidy up or just keeping her occupied. It has been really nice that all the parents and kids get along and take turns hanging with each others kids. Real nice. Other fun things this week were that Gramma and I were able to shop a little bit in Bloomfield and were able to sightsee a little bit. We really enjoyed going to the Birdhouse City, which is a bunch of birdhouses in the shapes of different homes, buildings and things in the Prince Edward County area. So cool and really pretty area that we walked. Jacey was happy to be outside and slept really well that night after all the fresh air. This weekend was pretty eventful. We went out after the second dive on Saturday and went to Belleville to see Madagascar 3. It was the first time that Jacey went to the theatre and she did a really good job. She sure enjoyed the music and colours and laughed a few times. However, her favourite things were anytime someone walked into or out of the theatre and she could watch them walking, or when the ladies behind us would laugh and she would turn her head around to look at them. Sheesh! What a little owl with all the head turning. I bought her a pretzel and she LOVED it...she kept saying Mowa, Mowa, Mowa and followed my hand when I put it down behind her. So funny! We went out to eat with all the families to Kelsey's and she did great there too...tired day and she passed out flat when we got home!! Sunday was nice too. We went to the Sandbanks beach after our 2 dives with all the other families as well. It was such a hot day and really beautiful, the water and area was gorgeous and so much fun with all the kids. They really enjoyed it and really loved the swimming. Ivanna took Jacey in for a real good swim for me and then she came and plunked down on the towel to play in the sand. It was a nice day followed by one of the dads BBQ's hotdogs and hamburgers for everyone. Jacey enjoyed her first BBQ'd hot dog with bun and ate most of it. Such a great day. This week has also brought upon the 4 sticker day!!!

She made 2 poops and 2 pee's in her potty in class. Another awesome thing....she is consistently peeing or pooping for me in the room almost once or twice a day. This potty business is getting awesomer and awesomer...yeah I said it and mean's a word!!! Jacey gets pretty excited first thing in the morning when I tell her that it is potty time, she crawls over and grabs her little red potty and tries to pull her pants down. She isn't as excited once she is on it, but she gets the job done. hehe We are sure getting ready to come home, so excited and ready to see our daddy and sleep in our own beds. Jacey has been a rock star and I am grateful for all the visitors who have helped keep me sane for the last 8 weeks and final 2 weeks. WOW!!! 10 weeks, crazy. My mom comes on Sunday...did I mention how much I am looking forward to her hanging out in the dives with Jacey and perhaps switching rooms for a night or two? Mom?...hello?...did you catch that? you! =) Take care guys and see you in less than 2 weeks soon. Woot, woot! - Love Jacey and Alyson


Anonymous said...

Jacey is working hard and you are doing a great job, Alyson. Having been there, I know first hand how stressful it is on the parents. We admire all you are doing and are delighted with Jacey's progress.

Jacey has stolen a lot of hearts at the camp. She is way too cute - and I'm not at all prejudiced.

Love you. Keep up the good work. We are rooting for you and looking forward to your coming home.


The Hudkins Family said...

You are such an inspiration to all of us. You are an awesome niece. Luv you lots and give Jacey a hug for me.

Luv Uncle Brent

Garth said...

What a fun update to read! We are sooo excited at the progress that Jacey is making! What a load of work that you have done Alyson, we are all so proud of you, what a great Mom you are!

Luv Uncle Garth