Tuesday, August 28, 2012

How Does It Work

We bought some really nice apples yesterday.  On the bag it says:
U.S. Extra Fancy
Produce of Chile.

I'm sure there is stuff in Canada like this as well but I'm wondering how it works.  Does the country import the fruit and because they do the actual distribution they can put their own country name on it too?  I've just never taken note before.  I guess that's what you do when you're retired.  You read  bags!!

At any rate, they are excellent apples.


Wednesday, August 15, 2012

A Little Bird Told Me.....

Sooooo there will be a 21st Great Grand kid for Gramma and Grampa Hudkins, a 5th Grand kid for Gramma and Grampa Hinko (Louis and Charlene), and a 2nd Sweet Kid for Mama and Papa Bird (Jon and Alyson). Jon and I are excited, a little scared, but excited to welcome another tiny person into our home. Feeling good and things are healthy so far. Tiny Bird is due in April. Thanks for all the love. (On a side note, Jacey and I are heading back to camp from September 2 - October 6. We are really excited for this as well) - Love, The Bird Family

Kouper and Jacey's Pool Party!!!!

Get ready to par-tay!!!! Kouper is turning 2 and Jacey is turning 4, where has the time gone?!? We are having a joint pool party at the Fort Saskatchewan Harbour Pool (10099 93 Ave). Mark your calendars: Saturday, August 25th at 1 pm. We have the pool reserved (that means free, so you should come) for one hour and then have the small party room reserved for another hour to have cupcakes and great family convo's. Instead of bringing presents for each of the kids (or their awesome mama's) we ask that each family bring enough drinks for their household. We really hope that as many families can make it as possible, like a mini reunion!! Please let either Jeanine (Cass's wife, not Garth's hehe) 780-266-0431 or Alyson (the only one hehe)780-719-9591 know so that we can get numbers together. Love you all and can't wait to visit and wear swimsuits...yeah!! =) - Bird Family and Hudkins Family

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Elder Hudkins Blog has been updated for this week. As I mentioned before, as long as you are signed into the hudkinsfamily blog, you can still click the link on the right hand side of the screen to access his blog. If anyone has any troubles, please let me know!


Saturday, August 11, 2012

Chilean Beans

Hello family,

After talking it over with Dad we decided to make Arland's blog private because it does have some special experiences of his and name's of people that he contacts and serves with. I have set it up so that if you are signed into the Hudkins Family blog, you can just click the link to his blog and will be able to view it automatically. If you are not already signed it, blogger will prompt you to sign it before viewing. If any of you use other gmail accounts to view these blogs, let me know and I will send out the e-mail invite to view his blog. If you know of any family members who keep up with his blog by other means, let me know their e-mails as well! I hope this isn't too confusing for everyone.

The other thing is that the link to Chilean Beans on the side of the Hudkins blog will no longer update automatically. I will try to let everyone know when there is a new update. I've been a bit behind, but typically you can expect the new letter there by no later than Wednesday of the week it was sent (this will keep me accountable to his awesome readers!).

Thanks to everyone who reads and supports his blog. I think it's been a good way to keep up with his mission and feel of his spirit.

Call me with any questions!


Friday, August 10, 2012

A Sunday visitor

Hello Family!
We sure enjoyed the reunion this past month and are looking forward to the next one! I thought I would post on the blog something cool and unique that happened this past Sunday. We had a special guest show up at our little Rocky Mountain House Ward on August 5th.

Bishop Dean M. Davies, second councillor in the Presiding Bishopric of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

Bishop Davies and his Wife were holidaying in the Banff/Jasper area and they decided to attend our sacrament meeting! I look at this as a once in a lifetime event. As I talked with Bishop Davies he mentioned that they had been to Canada before and had attended wards in Calgary and Banff and wanted to try something different this time. He said that they looked at Rocky Mountain House and felt impressed to come to church here. They drove three hours on Sunday morning just so they could attend our little ward. How cool is that!

I happened to be conducting the meeting that morning and was super nervous as Bishop Davies sat beside me. Because of his position in the church he was presiding at our meeting and was in charge of our fast and tesimony meeting. He was a kind and gentle man and assured me that everything was Ok. I have to be honest, his gentle nature made me feel at ease and my nervousness was not so severe. He brought a wonderful spirit to our meeting.

This presiding bishopric were called at our 2012 April conference and have therefore been serving for about four months now. If you are interested in learning more of what a Presiding Bishopric is and how they fit into the Church structure then use this link http://www.mormonnewsroom.org/topic/presiding-bishopric

Love you all, God bless.
Garth and Janene Hudkins