Friday, August 10, 2012

A Sunday visitor

Hello Family!
We sure enjoyed the reunion this past month and are looking forward to the next one! I thought I would post on the blog something cool and unique that happened this past Sunday. We had a special guest show up at our little Rocky Mountain House Ward on August 5th.

Bishop Dean M. Davies, second councillor in the Presiding Bishopric of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

Bishop Davies and his Wife were holidaying in the Banff/Jasper area and they decided to attend our sacrament meeting! I look at this as a once in a lifetime event. As I talked with Bishop Davies he mentioned that they had been to Canada before and had attended wards in Calgary and Banff and wanted to try something different this time. He said that they looked at Rocky Mountain House and felt impressed to come to church here. They drove three hours on Sunday morning just so they could attend our little ward. How cool is that!

I happened to be conducting the meeting that morning and was super nervous as Bishop Davies sat beside me. Because of his position in the church he was presiding at our meeting and was in charge of our fast and tesimony meeting. He was a kind and gentle man and assured me that everything was Ok. I have to be honest, his gentle nature made me feel at ease and my nervousness was not so severe. He brought a wonderful spirit to our meeting.

This presiding bishopric were called at our 2012 April conference and have therefore been serving for about four months now. If you are interested in learning more of what a Presiding Bishopric is and how they fit into the Church structure then use this link

Love you all, God bless.
Garth and Janene Hudkins


Anonymous said...

Wow! What a wonderful experience, Garth. Your claim to fame!! Thanks for sharing the link. Very interesting.

Gramma & Grampa

Jon and Alyson said...

Very Cool, Garth!!! My brother is almost a celebrity!!!
Charlene xo