Saturday, August 11, 2012

Chilean Beans

Hello family,

After talking it over with Dad we decided to make Arland's blog private because it does have some special experiences of his and name's of people that he contacts and serves with. I have set it up so that if you are signed into the Hudkins Family blog, you can just click the link to his blog and will be able to view it automatically. If you are not already signed it, blogger will prompt you to sign it before viewing. If any of you use other gmail accounts to view these blogs, let me know and I will send out the e-mail invite to view his blog. If you know of any family members who keep up with his blog by other means, let me know their e-mails as well! I hope this isn't too confusing for everyone.

The other thing is that the link to Chilean Beans on the side of the Hudkins blog will no longer update automatically. I will try to let everyone know when there is a new update. I've been a bit behind, but typically you can expect the new letter there by no later than Wednesday of the week it was sent (this will keep me accountable to his awesome readers!).

Thanks to everyone who reads and supports his blog. I think it's been a good way to keep up with his mission and feel of his spirit.

Call me with any questions!
