Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Kouper and Jacey's Pool Party!!!!

Get ready to par-tay!!!! Kouper is turning 2 and Jacey is turning 4, where has the time gone?!? We are having a joint pool party at the Fort Saskatchewan Harbour Pool (10099 93 Ave). Mark your calendars: Saturday, August 25th at 1 pm. We have the pool reserved (that means free, so you should come) for one hour and then have the small party room reserved for another hour to have cupcakes and great family convo's. Instead of bringing presents for each of the kids (or their awesome mama's) we ask that each family bring enough drinks for their household. We really hope that as many families can make it as possible, like a mini reunion!! Please let either Jeanine (Cass's wife, not Garth's hehe) 780-266-0431 or Alyson (the only one hehe)780-719-9591 know so that we can get numbers together. Love you all and can't wait to visit and wear swimsuits...yeah!! =) - Bird Family and Hudkins Family


Anonymous said...

Such a good idea. These little people are all growing up.
Happy Birthday to Jacey & Kouper.

So much love,
Great Gramma & Great Grampa