Wednesday, August 15, 2012

A Little Bird Told Me.....

Sooooo there will be a 21st Great Grand kid for Gramma and Grampa Hudkins, a 5th Grand kid for Gramma and Grampa Hinko (Louis and Charlene), and a 2nd Sweet Kid for Mama and Papa Bird (Jon and Alyson). Jon and I are excited, a little scared, but excited to welcome another tiny person into our home. Feeling good and things are healthy so far. Tiny Bird is due in April. Thanks for all the love. (On a side note, Jacey and I are heading back to camp from September 2 - October 6. We are really excited for this as well) - Love, The Bird Family


Anonymous said...

Congratulations - we are excited to have another bird hatched into our family. Twenty-one is a great number. We'll take all we can get.

Say Hi to everyone at camp for me.

Love you,
Gramma & Grampa

Garth said...

Congratulations to the Bird's nest! What wonderful news!

Love Garth and Janene

Anonymous said...

Congrats! That's so exciting!

Brent & Roxanne

PaHa said...

Awesome news.....Exciting

Love you,
Auntie Nancy and Uncle Troy