Friday, April 18, 2014

Bridal Shower

Hi soon-to-be family! 
I wanted to thank everyone who was able to make it out to my bridal shower on Saturday. I was overwhelmed with gifts! Everyone was so generous. It has made my kitchen cupboards full and helped out a lot this week in the kitchen. 
The pizza stone was amazing for the crust. I didn't realize it would make that much of a difference!

The glasses were a fantastic change from mugs everyday. It made me feel like I've actually graduated from student life.

These knives cut like a dream. Prettiest mango I've ever cut!

Thank you for the spices and the jars. The colors look so pretty on display. And we experimented with lemon dill sauce this week. Yum!
I've always been timid to experiment with breads but I used the company's coming bread book and these turned out great!

Thank you all for helping Arland and I get set up. I'm excited to use all of the gifts we were given.  I'm grateful to be marrying into such a wonderful family. Thanks for all the love and support. 


Sunday, April 6, 2014


Thanx for the idea Uncle Brent!  Mom & Dad, consider yourself pencilled in for Sunday morning devotional at the reunion this summer. 

Don't forget everyone that it is Reunion Year this summer. 
Don't make any other plans for the long weekend in the middle of the summer!

Two talks that were favorites of mine were Pres. Uchdorf this morning speaking about how gratitude should be part of our very disposition.  It is not just for "things".  Therefore, we can still be grateful even when we are suffering under heavey burdens or going through trials.  Also, Elder Christofferson this afternoon reiterated about how the Lord's justice and mercy will make any injustices, injuries, disabilities, and abuses right through the atonement.  I loved both of these messages!

Auntie Charlene xo

Sunday Afternoon Session

President Boyd K. Packer:   Most things of great worth come only through fasting, prayer and the holy spirit.  An eternal truth: "God loves us. we are his children. He is our Father".  Of all the names he could be known by, he chose FATHER.

Elder William R. Walker: It would benefit your family if we shared our Conversion Story with our family (children/grandchildren).  I especially liked this idea and would like to see us do this at our Family Reunion this year as the Testimony meeting.  Therefore, Charlene could we do this?

Elder L. Tom Perry:  Talked about the Eternal Nature of the Family.  A team of horses must know who is in charge. The LORD is in charge. He knows best. An obedient horse is part of a strong team. Be ready to receive the gentle tug of the Spirit. James 3:3. We must be ready to entirely change our course when the Master gives us a gentle tug. see the 3rd article of faith. He (Elder Perry) challenges us to be faithful through obedience. Obedience is a choice. It is the spiritual bit in our mouth.

Elder Lawrence E. Corbridge:  Opposition, criticism and antagonism are companions to the TRUTH. There will always be a force to oppose it. There will always be an effort to deceive, derail, oppose and frustrate the PLAN of LIFE. The FAMILY is the pattern of heaven.

Elder Michael John U. Teh: The world has a lot to offer. It is critical to learn when we have enough (possessions/money etc). Do we fail to see the folly of our pursuit of those things that are trivial.
The most important things to pursue:  1. The Christlike attributes of Faith, Hope and Charity-become like a little child.  2. Strengthen Family Relations.  3. Service to others.  4. Understand the doctrine of Christ.

Elder Markus A. Aidukaitis: The internet has a lot to offer us. Satan wants to distract us by getting us to wade through garbage (on the internet). ONE SHOULD NOT ROAM THROUGH GARBAGE. Seek for knowledge out of the best books by study and faith. We can find truth by experimenting upon the word itself. God will reveal truth to those who seek it.

Elder D. Todd Christofferson:  The disciples became eyewitnesses of the resurrection of Christ. Because he was resurrected, he had to be a GOD.  An atheist telling a friend upon seeing his late wife "It is she but it is not she. What is the difference if it is not the soul".

President Thomas S. Monson: May we resolve to do better than in the past. May we follow his example. May we constantly nourish our testimonies.

Love to all,

Uncle Brent

Sunday Morning Session

Hey Family! I just wanted to respond to Grandma's invitation and share my thoughts on this session of General Conference. So here is the play by play of things that stood out to me!

- Deiter F Uchtdorf shared about gratitude by mentioning that we should look for ways to be grateful while going through our trials. We shouldn't have gratitude for simply things, but should live a spirit of gratitude continually.

-From Russell Ballards talk I was able to recognize the need to continue to study Preach My Gospel again regularly. I hope that we can all have the opportunity to develop an understanding of the doctrines and principles that are contained within that inspired book.

-In a comparison to preparing for an Olympic four minute competition, Elder Gary Stevenson expressed the importance of using the short time that we have in this life to prepare for eternity. He mentioned that we will reflect on our experiences forever after this life and that the atonement can make up for imperfections in our performance here. I was inspired to recognize the importance of my choices and the effect that they will have in the long run as this life is so short and only lived once.

-Elder Bednar shared with us that obligations and responsibilities should provide spiritual traction to our life through an analogy of a 4 wheel drive pick up truck and a load of fire wood. Through that experience I was able to recognize the importance of covenants and commitments and how help me progress and grow.

-Finally president Monson spoke about compassion and expressed the fact that those around us are real people and should be treated as such through our desire to serve them and the demonstration of genuine Christ like love. He also mentioned that blame keeps wounds open and forgiveness heals. I am thankful for his example and I am more inspired to treat those around me with a love and respect that they deserve.

I am grateful for the prophets and thank you Grandma for sharing your insight.  I hope you all had the opportunity to view some of these sessions and if you haven't yet, they are posted online.

Love you all! Thanks for being awesome!


Saturday, April 5, 2014

Saturday PM Session

Just a few thoughts from the PM Session

*  The only one we can have faith in is The Lord Jesus Christ.
-  Is your faith tied to man or to God?
*  Prayers of faith will help us with daily decisions.

*  Even if everyone is doing it - wrong is never right.
*  Those who face their fears with faith have courage as well.
*  Companion to love is trust.
*  Your testimony of Jesus Christ is a powerful tool.
*  We best serve our Father in Heaven by righteously serving others.  Jesus was our example.
*  To rationalize disobedience does not image God's laws.
*  Do what is right let the consequence follow.
*  Do not lose sight of the Lord's way.
*  The words and purposes of God cannot be frustrated
*  The Gospel of Jesus Christ teaches us to treat all people with love and respect even if we disagree.
*  There exists today, a great need for respect. 
*  Families could hold a family tree gathering  (What a fun idea to get together and tell stories about our parents, grandparents and greats and to share pictures) 

Note:  I hope you enjoyed these little thoughts.  Please add more.  Tomorrow we will have a house full of people.  Would  someone else or even a few  of you please share your thoughts on the blog?

Love you,

Saturday A.M. Conference Hi-Lites

I decided that I would just jot down some short highlights and things we were asked to do while listening to the conference talks.  Here are some of the things I gleaned from the talks this morning:

*  Live true to the faith.  It is worth it to live the gospel.
*  Defend the faith with courtesy and courage
*  Christ-like love is the greatest need we have on this planet.
*  We all have the opportunity of blessing the lives of others as we share their burden with love and kindness - meeting the needs of someone else.
*  Pornography is vile and evil.  Handheld devices are a major problem.  Counsel with your children with love and understanding.
-  Make a family plan.
-  The Savior has paid the price for our sins.  We must kneel and pray.
*  As the world slips away to the Lord's love of chastity.  We do not.
*  Stand in holy places.  Be not moved.
*  Don't let the whirlwinds of life drag you down.
*  You hold in your hands the happiness of more people than you can imagine.
*  Young children are often more sensitive to the Spirit than we realize. 
*  We have faith, hope and charity to guide us.
And finally:

Some things I gleaned - Do you have more to add?

We sure love you all.
Gramma & Grampa   

Friday, April 4, 2014


Don't know what most of you would do for free gas, but these guys really cooked with the karaoke!!!
This five minute video is hilarious...
Auntie Charlene xo