Sunday, April 6, 2014


Thanx for the idea Uncle Brent!  Mom & Dad, consider yourself pencilled in for Sunday morning devotional at the reunion this summer. 

Don't forget everyone that it is Reunion Year this summer. 
Don't make any other plans for the long weekend in the middle of the summer!

Two talks that were favorites of mine were Pres. Uchdorf this morning speaking about how gratitude should be part of our very disposition.  It is not just for "things".  Therefore, we can still be grateful even when we are suffering under heavey burdens or going through trials.  Also, Elder Christofferson this afternoon reiterated about how the Lord's justice and mercy will make any injustices, injuries, disabilities, and abuses right through the atonement.  I loved both of these messages!

Auntie Charlene xo


Anonymous said...

Great thoughts and ideas. I am so looking forward to our reunion p Mid summer, you guys. August 1,2,3 & 4. Everyone together is the BEST!!