Friday, April 18, 2014

Bridal Shower

Hi soon-to-be family! 
I wanted to thank everyone who was able to make it out to my bridal shower on Saturday. I was overwhelmed with gifts! Everyone was so generous. It has made my kitchen cupboards full and helped out a lot this week in the kitchen. 
The pizza stone was amazing for the crust. I didn't realize it would make that much of a difference!

The glasses were a fantastic change from mugs everyday. It made me feel like I've actually graduated from student life.

These knives cut like a dream. Prettiest mango I've ever cut!

Thank you for the spices and the jars. The colors look so pretty on display. And we experimented with lemon dill sauce this week. Yum!
I've always been timid to experiment with breads but I used the company's coming bread book and these turned out great!

Thank you all for helping Arland and I get set up. I'm excited to use all of the gifts we were given.  I'm grateful to be marrying into such a wonderful family. Thanks for all the love and support. 



Anonymous said...

Nice post Naomi. We are delighted that Arland chose you to be our newest grand-daughter. As great grampa Hudkins would have said "His taste is not all in his mouth." Great Grampa was full of all sorts of sayings.

Enjoy your gifts and homemaking.
Gramma & Grampa Hudkins

Unknown said...

Lol. Awesome Naomi! Looks like your not afraid to experiment. And I promise I won't tease you Too Much. Although Too Much depends on who's perspective you view it from. Lol

Love, Uncle Brent

musicalquilter said...

Sorry I missed the shower Naomi but glad you are enjoying the pizza stone! Looking forward to the wedding!
Auntie Charlene