Sunday, April 6, 2014

Sunday Morning Session

Hey Family! I just wanted to respond to Grandma's invitation and share my thoughts on this session of General Conference. So here is the play by play of things that stood out to me!

- Deiter F Uchtdorf shared about gratitude by mentioning that we should look for ways to be grateful while going through our trials. We shouldn't have gratitude for simply things, but should live a spirit of gratitude continually.

-From Russell Ballards talk I was able to recognize the need to continue to study Preach My Gospel again regularly. I hope that we can all have the opportunity to develop an understanding of the doctrines and principles that are contained within that inspired book.

-In a comparison to preparing for an Olympic four minute competition, Elder Gary Stevenson expressed the importance of using the short time that we have in this life to prepare for eternity. He mentioned that we will reflect on our experiences forever after this life and that the atonement can make up for imperfections in our performance here. I was inspired to recognize the importance of my choices and the effect that they will have in the long run as this life is so short and only lived once.

-Elder Bednar shared with us that obligations and responsibilities should provide spiritual traction to our life through an analogy of a 4 wheel drive pick up truck and a load of fire wood. Through that experience I was able to recognize the importance of covenants and commitments and how help me progress and grow.

-Finally president Monson spoke about compassion and expressed the fact that those around us are real people and should be treated as such through our desire to serve them and the demonstration of genuine Christ like love. He also mentioned that blame keeps wounds open and forgiveness heals. I am thankful for his example and I am more inspired to treat those around me with a love and respect that they deserve.

I am grateful for the prophets and thank you Grandma for sharing your insight.  I hope you all had the opportunity to view some of these sessions and if you haven't yet, they are posted online.

Love you all! Thanks for being awesome!



Unknown said...

Ok, mom and Arland. I'm going to watch the 4th session and give comments unless someone beats me to it. Thanks for the thoughts mom and Arland.