Saturday, April 5, 2014

Saturday A.M. Conference Hi-Lites

I decided that I would just jot down some short highlights and things we were asked to do while listening to the conference talks.  Here are some of the things I gleaned from the talks this morning:

*  Live true to the faith.  It is worth it to live the gospel.
*  Defend the faith with courtesy and courage
*  Christ-like love is the greatest need we have on this planet.
*  We all have the opportunity of blessing the lives of others as we share their burden with love and kindness - meeting the needs of someone else.
*  Pornography is vile and evil.  Handheld devices are a major problem.  Counsel with your children with love and understanding.
-  Make a family plan.
-  The Savior has paid the price for our sins.  We must kneel and pray.
*  As the world slips away to the Lord's love of chastity.  We do not.
*  Stand in holy places.  Be not moved.
*  Don't let the whirlwinds of life drag you down.
*  You hold in your hands the happiness of more people than you can imagine.
*  Young children are often more sensitive to the Spirit than we realize. 
*  We have faith, hope and charity to guide us.
And finally:

Some things I gleaned - Do you have more to add?

We sure love you all.
Gramma & Grampa