Friday, June 27, 2008

On the Temple Grounds

Here is the official photographer earling his keep. He looks pretty good, doesn't he?

In fact, he worked so hard he had to take his jacket off.

I like this picture of Garth, Sylvia & Charlene.

Addie & Mike looked radiant and happy. Addie was a beautiful bride.

Gosh - I sure do make beautiful granddaughters!!


Brent is trying to teach me how to post pictures. Let's see how well he can do. Here are a few more pictures taken on the temple grounds.

It's Official, THEY'RE HITCHED!

Grampa sealed them and gramma sat beside Mike in the temple. So they are very honored to be able to be involved as much as they were. I also think gramma has a soft spot for Mike. We also like Mike quite a bit. He's a very likeable guy and will fit in with the sense of humor he portrayed yesterday. Addies sort of likeable too(heh heh)

Addie looked happy and very beautiful! Mike looked good also. (for a guy) I'll let gramma tell you how good Mike looked..... and......Yes! It is about time for Gramma to post another picture (from her very own digital camera ..... as soon as she is shown how to download them to the computer). Troy, Nancy, Pat, Matt, Cal, Cass and MacKenzy ... sorry you could'nt be here but here are some pics for you to enjoy.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Another Fun Day At The House

Here are a few more pictures I took today. Notice the kids are great at many different kinds of jobs, from siding to cooking to relaxing....All at different times of course. Love Nancy

Empty Nesters

Hi Everyone,
Grampa and I just got back from our Empty Nesters Family Home Evening. We had a couple who returned from a humanitarian mission in Lebanon. They were there for two years. It was most interesting. They had a lot of pictures on a CD and told us about different and spiritual experiences they had. They are not allowed to do ANY proselyting at all. Could only answer questions and even then, they had to be very careful. However, people loved them and knew about the church. Lebanon is a beautiful country. I always thought it was pretty flat, but not so. It is mountainous with snow at the higher elevations. Lots of beautiful flowers with vibrant colours. They showed a picture of a flower that was bright yellow and bright red (ONE flower) One of the petals had two colours as though the red was a blotch painted onto the yellow.

Another thing that was interesting was that Brother & Sister Davies (as in Patriarch Davies) were there tonight as guests. They had also served in Lebanon about 10 years ago and knew a lot of the same people. It is amazing what the church is doing to help. The Neimans were there when Beirut was bombed and had to evacuate. They returned after a couple of months. They said they never felt unsafe at any time. The people were good to them and they really loved the people in return.

Sylvia, Leslie, Alyson and I enjoyed a lovely bridal shower for Addie last Saturday and are looking forward to the BIG DAY this week.

Grampa's snoring, so I need to get to bed.
Goodnight all,

More borken things

That day we had several things jam or break, but we did get some siding done. All in all we had a good day.
Love Nancy

More House

Here are the rest of the house.
Love Ya Nancy

Calorado exciting things (and some of the house)

Well I thought I would update you on a few things happening here. Calorado received his certificate of completion for Culinary Arts. Then he was able to be ordained a priest by his good friend Austin. The next week Cal and his dad blessed the sacrament. The next week after that his girlfriend asked to take the discussions. Six days later Calorado baptized her in the afternoon and graduated that night. So Cal has been very busy. Cal has also gone on a few splits with the missionaries as well.
We are moving along on the house. The roof is shingled and we are putting up siding. Here are a few pictures of us on Saturday. We were having a few problems getting the scaffolding up it kept breaking but we finally got it.
Today we are all headed out. Cass is back as well as Mat has been coming back to help. They are all here this weekend to celebrate a few birthdays. So we are having fun.
I am adding more pictures in another blog.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Polischuk's Road Trip!!

So Graham and I have been driving around the United States AND Saskatchewan for almost two weeks now. (This was my first time in Saskatchewan as illustrated in the picture to the left) Road tripping has been great in our little Honda Civic! We are currently in Arkansas, have put almost 7,000 km on the vehicle, have listened to all of our cd's at least once, I've read four books and finished crochet on one burp pad for a friend....GOOD TIMES!! Oh, and we still really like each other!!!!

Our goal was the Bonnaroo music festival near Nashville. It ROCKED, literally....the highlights were Pearl Jam, Jack Johnson, The Raconteurs and Metallica. The festival was comprised of various musicians on six different stages, one main one that held the crowds for the big headlining artists. There were 90,000 people there, a few who I'm sure attended Woodstock!!! Super fun times!! If we don't have kids by next summer we totally want to go again, maybe not driving though. We need to have things to look forward to right?? (Here is us infront of the main stage, Graham has been growing out the face hair...cute to look at but not to touch!!!)

(This is a pic of us at the Visitor's Center in Independence, Missouri! So interesting!)

On our drive down we were sooooo lucky to be able to stop at a few church historical sites,in planning we weren't sure how much time we would have before the festival and are so happy we had time! We were able to visit Winter Quarters, Independence and Liberty Jail. So amazing!! A must see! We had intended to visit Nauvou but because of all of the flooding in the midwest the route we wanted to take wasn't possible and we didn't have time to go around, bummer!!

It's been fun, we're alive!! Just a few pics and a hello!!! Love Jenny & Graham

Sunday, June 8, 2008


For those of you who don't know who posted this picture, examine it carefully.

Hope you all have better dishes to eat from than this!!!!!!!!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

House Pictures

Here are some updated house pictures.

Sorry it's been so long since we've given an update on the progress of the house.

Hope everyone is doing well.


Love Troy and Nancy

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Happy Birthday Charlene

Wow......It must be quite the experience turning


I look forward to my twenty-ninth birthday.

I hope your day was good and all your wishes came true this past year. In the year to come remember to follow your dreams and goals, and never give up. We all love you very much. Take care and God Bless.

Love from Troy, Nancy and the young Americans

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Blossoms -- YESS!

This morning I discovered 3 blossoms on my tomatoe plant. This is exciting! I've seen a bee out there before so hopefully it will pollenate them. Would be great if I could yield a few tomatoes off this little container.


Sunday, June 1, 2008

Container Garden

Well, my container garden is growing. It all started out really well but because we have so many trees around us, I feel as though now my containers are not receiving as much sun as they should. It seems as though they only get about 2 or so hours of sun the very first thing in the morning. Maybe I'm too anxious, but it seems as though they're growing very slowly.

Our apartment stays really cool, even on the hottest days because of the sun being blocked and because we are in a corner, we have a cross draft. I've had my visiting teachers walk in on a really hot day and say "Oh, you have air conditioning!" -- NOT - it's just that my home is in the dark all summer long.

Anyway - I hope that the veggies will produce.

We are doing fine. Grampa has an appointment with an opthalmologist in August. The same one that did my cataracts. He is a candidate for corneal transplant. So we'll see how that appointment goes. I googled cornea transplant and it was very informative. Also, we know that Dr. Climenhaga is the best in the province.

My scrapbooking has slowed down. I'm in the process of doing the journaling right now for the pages I have completed. I thought that was more important than getting more pages done because after the 1960's you guys would know the people whereas, these old ones, you don't.

I hope your immigration situation is sorting itself out, Troy & Nancy. I have had a lot of people remembering you in their prayers and after all you can do, the rest is up to the Lord.

Hope you all had a great Sunday.

The Lord loves you and so do Grampa and I.

Love always,