Monday, June 23, 2008

Calorado exciting things (and some of the house)

Well I thought I would update you on a few things happening here. Calorado received his certificate of completion for Culinary Arts. Then he was able to be ordained a priest by his good friend Austin. The next week Cal and his dad blessed the sacrament. The next week after that his girlfriend asked to take the discussions. Six days later Calorado baptized her in the afternoon and graduated that night. So Cal has been very busy. Cal has also gone on a few splits with the missionaries as well.
We are moving along on the house. The roof is shingled and we are putting up siding. Here are a few pictures of us on Saturday. We were having a few problems getting the scaffolding up it kept breaking but we finally got it.
Today we are all headed out. Cass is back as well as Mat has been coming back to help. They are all here this weekend to celebrate a few birthdays. So we are having fun.
I am adding more pictures in another blog.


The Hudkins Family said...

Congratulations, Cal - this is all very exciting. Keep up the good work. Great to hear that your girlfriend was baptized.

I have been very lax this June in getting birthday cards away so they will be late -- very late!

Love you,