Monday, June 23, 2008

Empty Nesters

Hi Everyone,
Grampa and I just got back from our Empty Nesters Family Home Evening. We had a couple who returned from a humanitarian mission in Lebanon. They were there for two years. It was most interesting. They had a lot of pictures on a CD and told us about different and spiritual experiences they had. They are not allowed to do ANY proselyting at all. Could only answer questions and even then, they had to be very careful. However, people loved them and knew about the church. Lebanon is a beautiful country. I always thought it was pretty flat, but not so. It is mountainous with snow at the higher elevations. Lots of beautiful flowers with vibrant colours. They showed a picture of a flower that was bright yellow and bright red (ONE flower) One of the petals had two colours as though the red was a blotch painted onto the yellow.

Another thing that was interesting was that Brother & Sister Davies (as in Patriarch Davies) were there tonight as guests. They had also served in Lebanon about 10 years ago and knew a lot of the same people. It is amazing what the church is doing to help. The Neimans were there when Beirut was bombed and had to evacuate. They returned after a couple of months. They said they never felt unsafe at any time. The people were good to them and they really loved the people in return.

Sylvia, Leslie, Alyson and I enjoyed a lovely bridal shower for Addie last Saturday and are looking forward to the BIG DAY this week.

Grampa's snoring, so I need to get to bed.
Goodnight all,